Twenty Eight Part Two

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Marcus sat back in the carriage feeling fortunate indeed. He had accomplished his goal and could now join his loved ones once more.

However, therein lie another goal he hoped to reach this day. He needed to tell Violet, and right soon. He decided right then and there that the first chance the opportunity came, he was grabbing it.

He was finished having a lie stand between he and his son, he wanted their relationship to carry honesty and integrity. That was a difficult thing to do when one withheld the truth from another. Violet deserved better than that, he deserved the whole truth. Marcus had never met a better man than the one his son had become, Marcus owed him this, and had for a long time now.

Marcus could not wait to get back to Katy and Vi, this last visit had been the best one yet, and Marcus knew it was because his heart felt free. He had told Katy his plans for their future, and now he only needed to tell Violet the whole truth, then he would truly be free indeed. Come hell or high water, he was done with his life of lies.

Marcus kept his thoughts positive and hoped all would work out as he had prayed they would.

The carriage slowed, Marcus leaned forward to look out the window to see they were almost there.


Violet paced the King's antechamber. More than anything, he wanted to know what was happening with Betsy and the King. He had no idea what she was being subjected to, but he prayed she was alright.

He was her husband, he was supposed to be able to protect her, to keep her safe, to shield her from any unpleasantness.

It was driving him mad that there was absolutely nothing he could do.

Vi narrowed his eyes, what he would give to be a fly on the wall....

His pacing grew quicker as he worried she may be in a spot of trouble.

He would give his ship, his savings, his weapons, he would give all that he owned, just to know she was going to be alright.

He had done his best to put on a bold face and give her what reassurances he could, however, now that she was in there, and he was out here, his mind kept traveling over worst case scenarios.

It was not as if Elizabeth were her father.

Mayhap, since she was Alex's daughter, the King would have expected better from her, such as, to not shoot at an officer of the Royal Navy.

Violet still could not believe she had done it. And not just the once, she had shot at the old man twice!

Violet ran his fingers through his hair for the umpteenth time, then he had to retie it back again, for the umpteenth time. He resumed pacing the room, looking at the door she had gone through, each time he passed it.

Hopefully, the King would understand that Elizabeth had felt a need to protect her own.

Violet knew, if the King could only have seen her shooting rats from the yardarm, he would know the commander had not been in any real danger. She had never missed once..... But the King had not seen, and he could have no idea how precise she was.

It was not as if she had gotten lucky and shot the pistol from Eli's hand, that took true skill, or in Elizabeth's case, natural ability.

Vi groaned, as he came to the end of the room, pretending to look at the shining weapons once more.

The shine was all he saw as he was consumed with thoughts of his sweet wife.

His eyes blurred before the iron and steel, his thoughts took over, and all he could think of were her beautiful, innocent eyes smiling up into his.

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