Chapter Nineteen

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Gwen had been an absolute tyrant with her servants right up until Jude's arrival. She could not understand what was taking him so long to act upon her summons, and she took her frustrations out on her staff.

When he did finally arrive, her demeanour changed, at least while he was present, she oozed graciousness and sweetness. The servants rolled their eyes and knew they were in for a Jekyll and Hyde performance from their employer. Sickly sweet in front of this man, short and ill tempered when not.

"Tis been hard waiting for your arrival, whatever could have kept you, Jude?" Gwen led Jude into her parlour, he waited until she sat on the settee, then he took the seat across from her.

"I had to take care of a few things so I could be all yours, my dear, with no unfinished distractions." Jude was only partially lying, his heiress slipping away would still be a distraction for him, and he hoped to think of a reason to not stay the entire sennight Gwen had asked for. "I came the very moment I could get away."

Gwen pouted a bit while her housemaid Sadie brought them refreshments, as dinnertime had come and gone.
Jude had lingered at his townhouse as long as he possibly could before heading out to Marcus' estate. He was not comfortable here, and never would be.

When Sadie departed, Gwen poured their tea, leaning forward to hand him a cup, she spoke softly but firmly, "I am just happy you are here finally, 'twas driving me mad waiting for Marcus to leave so I could have some semblance of peace and see you, darling." Gwen sat back and gave Jude her most charming smile.

Jude hated that smile, it reminded him of a cat with a bowlful, and he was the cream that filled it.

"Where is Alfred?" Jude looked to the doorway, and beyond into the hall.

"He returned early this morn from town and has not come down yet, it is his way, and also why I tend to get so lonely. I am just so pleased you are finally here. We will walk up to the lodge after tea, and get you all settled in before supper." She gave him a suggestive look as she brought her cup to her mouth and sipped her tea.
Jude smiled blandly back at her, "Do you not worry about the servants, my dear Gwen?"

"Why should I, you are family, Jude, I will merely see my dear cousin comfortable and make sure that you have all that you need." Her voice a carrying a myriad of insinuations.

Jude resigned himself to catering to his cousin as he had his own ends to meet here. "Will Alfred be joining us this eve?"

"Of course, he is always here for supper, 'tis one of my requests that he abides to religiously." Gwen wore a smug, satisfied smile.

Now that Jude was here, they could start planning how to raise their son in society, and herself as well.

"Good, good, I have not had much opportunity lately to appreciate the young man." Jude gave Gwen a pointed look, as if to remind her Alfred was his son also.

"Exactly, another reason I asked you to come." Gwen leaned forward and patted his knee. "A cake, cousin? I would have you keep your strength you know." She smiled a satisfied smile as she imagined where they would be in an hours time.

"Thank you, I did miss dinner on the ride out, I shall probably need the sustenance." He took the plate from her, smiling falsely and falling back into the old routine.


Violet dressed and went top deck to welcome Marcus and Katherine aboard. Davey and Elias took their bags, as Violet led them to the galley to leave the basket Marcus carried.
"Elizabeth would appreciate if we joined her in our cabin for a while before retiring, would you like some coffee or tea?" Violet asked as he poured himself a cup of brew, and made a cup of tea for Betsy.

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