Thirty Four Part Three

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Alfred was announced at the Ferguson's parlor door, Patrick blocking the doorway, until James nodded his acceptance of the young baron's arrival.

Alfred had become amused himself by now with this ritual of Patrick's, just as Ruthe and Terese were amused by the way Alfred always went to his toes, trying to catch a glimpse of Terese over Patrick's shoulder.

Terese smiled glowingly, as Alfred bounced slightly, finding her with his eyes, before again disappearing behind James' overly large bodyguard.

No, Alfred would certainly not be letting her go that easily, she thought confidently.

Alfred always appeared eager to see her, she sincerely hoped he would hurry his suit, as Terese knew what it was that she wanted.

The afternoons spent with Alfred had been the most enjoyable she had passed since arriving upon these shores.

Alfred was exactly what she had been hoping to find in a man, though she had almost given up hope of ever finding one such as he.

The men who had shown interest in her, before Alfred had come along, had all been very full of themselves. Only really seeming to care for her because her father was wealthy and she was polite enough to let them go on and on about themselves.

None had shown any real interest in her or her desires..... And when they had asked her her preferences, it was as if they did not even hear her answers. Having already made their own decision, then holding to it, mindless of her reply. Her opinion was usually ignored or patronised, then blown away as dandelion seeds upon their own next thoughts.

It was not so with Alfred. He actually listened, respecting her opinions and views. They agreed on many topics, disagreeing rarely. Yet, when they did disagree, he at least took the time to hear her out and consider her point of view.

He took her to museums, and shopping for books. He insisted on familiarizing her with where the best tea shops were, knowing her craving for tea and cakes was hardly ever satisfied. It seemed to please him to spoil her a little when he learned of her favourite things, and what woman did not enjoy that?

He was a gracious gentleman, caring for her needs when out and about, his manners were impeccable, his wit was sharp. He intrigued her, as she never quite knew what he would do next. He teased her lightly and treated her fondly, always making her feel precious and beautiful.

He listened when she spoke and did not talk down to her as men were wont to do sometimes. He appreciated her mind and she could tell that he appreciated her face and form.

He had grown nothing but more attractive to her as she came to know him well. His personality bringing out something that made him intriguing and appealing.

She stood now, as he approached, tulips in hand, adoration in his eyes.

She smiled brightly at him as she accepted the flowers. He was the first man to ever ask what her favorite blooms were, and then provide them for her everyday since.

Today's were as a stunning sunset. The bottoms starting out yellow, turning to a soft orange, then to a bright scarlet near the edges of the petals.

"These are the most beautiful I have ever beheld, thank you, Alfred." She graciously accepted the bouquet, admiring their beauty before going up on her toes to kiss his cheek, as he preened under her praise of the gift.

"I am hard pressed to find any quite as lovely as you, Terese." He replied honestly.

Alfred then turned to her parents, "My laird, and lady." He bowed his head, and straightened, a serious mien overcoming him.

The Reverend's Daughter (Book 2 after The Duke's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now