Twenty Three Part One

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Elizabeth had never had so much of a fuss made over her in her entire life. She had been treated such as a true Lady might be since the moment she opened her eyes this morn. Lady Eleanor's maid, Tess, a sweet, pretty, young girl with bright, brown eyes and even brighter, red hair, had first brought a breakfast tray with tea and toast. Betsy sipped her tea and nibbled the toast while her bath was being prepared.

She soaked in a warm, jasmine scented tub, then she was seated upon a stool and wrapped in a linen to dry her hair before the dancing flames in the hearth. Tess brushed her long tresses until they were completely dry, before Betsy sat through half an hour of having her hair wound in long strands with a hot iron, creating many loose curls that fell to her waist.

Once her chemise and dress were donned, Eleanor and Katherine joined her, bringing her bouquet and the wreath for her hair that had just been delivered to the house. Stockings and slippers were next, and when the fragile, violet wreath had been placed upon her crown, the ladies sighed their delight with her appearance.

"Ye look just like a lovely forest sprite." Katherine breathed. She was imagining Violet's face when he saw the sweet creation that was his bride.

Ellie was taken back in time, to the simple, reverent ceremony that had joined Bernard and Penelope. Elizabeth resembled her grandmother on the day she was wed. Especially Elizabeth's eyes. They were filled with love, hope and happiness, just as her grandmother's had been on that lovely, spring day, all those many years ago. Lady Ellie dashed a tear away, wishing Penny could be here for this, her granddaughter's special day. Yet Ellie, knowing that Penny would be here in spirit, whispered to her friend, "Is she not just lovely?" Ellie then patted Elizabeth's cheek softly as she kissed the other, before putting her sentimental thoughts aside to usher them out of the room and down the staircase to the foyer.

Keeting waited beside the opulent coach on the drive, to assist them up and inside the conveyance.

"Oh my, I almost forgot!" Ellie turned and reentered the estate, she was gone a few moments, while Katherine and Elizabeth settled next to one another, facing backward in the carriage. Betsy set the bouquet on the seat next to her, resting her hands on her lap.

Katherine put her hand atop Betsy's and smiled indulgently at her, "'Tis my greatest joy to be with you and Violet today. I have waited a long time for this, you know." Katherine then smiled proudly at her new daughter, "You are so lovely and just perfect for him. You two have made me very, very happy."

Elizabeth smiled back at her and put her other hand atop Katherine's, "I too, am glad we are able to do this again with you here. Our vows on the beach were just that. Just enough was said that my lady allowed Violet take me with him." Elizabeth giggled, as she was still a tiny titch nervous, even though 'twas her second time at this. "I was extremely nervous that day, it all happened so quickly, I shook as a leaf the entire time."

"Do you think you are better used to the idea now?" Katherine teased, as she knew how the two felt about one another. One could not be around Elizabeth and Violet when they were together for more than two minutes, without coming to the conclusion they were deeply in love.

"I do not think I shall have to clamp my jaw closed to keep my teeth from chattering this time," Elizabeth was not joking, she wrinkled her nose, "At least I hope not, as 'twas most disconcerting, it took all my will to keep them quiet while the vows were being spoken." Elizabeth chuckled, "I am lucky I got the necessary words out, to be perfectly honest."

Katherine chuckled also, at Elizabeth's honesty about the malady she had suffered that day. "I cannot blame you in the least, sweetheart. After all, you did say you had only met him three days hence."

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