Twenty Seven Part Three

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For the very first time since this crew sailed her, the Saucy Wench made her way boldly into the London port. Brutus was manning the helm as Pete and Sam labored to secure the lines.

An officer from the Omega stood patiently by on the quay, waiting for them to secure the ship and disembark. Eleanor was relieved that Eli had kept his word.

Marcus stood at the rail holding a long, heavy, handled case. He and Katherine planned to accompany Eleanor to the Omega, and Marcus was delivering to Violet the first gift for the King.

Marcus had taken Lady Eleanor aside earlier, sharing with her the records that Pastor Fielding had given him. The records of the young souls that Violet had saved, and also the recording of where the funds from their pirating had gone. Since Marcus had things he needed to do before seeing the King himself, he entrusted the records into Eleanor's safekeeping, in the case that they were needed before he arrived.

It did not seem that the crew would be held or arrested at this point. In light of that, Pete disembarked with the small group, lending Lady Eleanor his assistance on the gangplank.

Marcus held Katherine's hand tightly, attempting to keep her walking a safe line. Katy was so busy taking in the bustling wharf, Marcus was afraid she would walk right off of the dock if he did not keep her close to his side.

He did not know it but Katy was looking for children. She had heard that street urchins often took their chances around the quay, dwelling in alleyways near the taverns and docks, begging for help from the crew members and passengers that came off of the ships. Yet, all she saw as the walked the wharf, were sailors and ship merchants, no children could she find.

A short, brisk walk took the small group to where the Omega sat, her commander standing at the rail.

"Come aboard, my Lady, we have been awaiting your arrival." Eli called down to Eleanor.

Marcus, Eleanor and Katherine boarded the ship, as Pete went his own way, with his own agenda.

Pete looked around, taking in his hometown as he left the waterfront, it had been a long time since he walked these streets, yet he knew exactly where he was and he knew exactly where he needed to go. There were some things you never forgot, the people may change and the town itself may look different, but home was something Pete would always remember no matter how many years had gone by.

These were the streets he ran as a child, they would be forever emblazoned in his mind.

Pete found the nearest solicitor's office, and thankfully, they were able to lead him in the right direction.


Eli waited at the rail, he was glad he had not been kept waiting for too long. "Welcome aboard, my Lady, my Lord." Eli greeted Eleanor and Marcus, then he turned to Katherine. "I do not believe I have had the pleasure." Eli bowed gallantly over Katherine's hand.

Marcus performed the introductions, "Commander, this is Violet's mother, Katherine Petals."

Marcus drew Katy back from the man, keeping her close at his side.

Eleanor secretly smiled at the possessiveness of Marcus' action, it only confirmed Eleanor's suspicions about these two. Having seen through their actions quite a few times already, and she could see they cared intimately for one another.

She also had her suspicions about Violet's parentage, but that was none of her concern.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, ma'am," Eli was gracious towards Katherine, he was also excited to get going. He had sent a man over to notify Tootie he was home for a short stay, and hopefully there would be cake waiting for him this evening.

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