Twenty Nine Part One

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Marcus left the King, going back out into the antechamber, he found Katherine pacing with Violet right on her tail.

Marcus could tell from Katherine's relieved face she was glad for the distraction. That Violet had been annoying her with his questions she simply could not answer.

"It is your turn, son, he wants to see you now." Marcus picked up the package he had brought, as Violet hurried over to pick up the wooden case.

Eleanor chose that very moment to return. She blew in the entry door like a breeze, holding it open, until an officer came and relieved her of the duty.

The door was being held open as Brutus and Sam carried in a crate they had just hauled over from the ship.

Marcus smiled widely, it seemed all their ducks were in a row. All they had to do now was present the King with his gifts, hopefully attain Violet and his crew their pardons, and get Elizabeth returned to them.

Marcus addressed Brutus, "We have just been called in, wait here until we need you."

Brutus nodded, he went to Vi and rubbed his shoulder, "I would hate to end up in a cell, my friend. Take care, and keep your wits about you."

"I shall certainly try." Violet was slightly nervous, he sent a prayer up quickly, asking again for the Lord's will, and he followed his father to the door.

Marcus turned back, "Katy girl, you, too. The King said you could come also."

Katherine's eyes grew wide, she fussed with her hair and smoothed her dress, while Marcus admired her long, dark, blonde tresses and her curved, trim figure.

When she lifted her nervous, violet eyes for reassurance, Marcus held his hand out and she came to him, to take his hand with her own.

Eleanor bustled along behind Katy, "I am coming too, Marcus, I have the records."

Marcus made her welcome, "He did say the more, the merrier, my Lady." Marcus chuckled, as he indicated to the man at the door that they were ready.

Marcus allowed Violet to precede him, he then took his hand from Katherine's, sweeping his arm across his body, he gestured to the ladies they should follow Vi, as Marcus then took up the rear.

Violet came to center stage, his audience being the King and his men. Vi stopped a good five meters before the throne.

Vi set down his case as the women came to stand behind him.

Marcus stayed by the closed door, setting down his parcel, crossing one foot over the other, he leaned against the wall.

Violet executed his most respectful bow, his mother dropped into a curtsy, and Ellie bobbed behind him.

Eleanor glared at her cousin to behave, then she faded back with Marcus to watch the opening act.

Katherine looked to either side of herself frantically, realizing they had left her. She quickly moved back next to Marcus, where she hid her face in his sleeve and tried not to embarrass herself in her nervous state.

The King took in the pirate before him.

Violet had worn his Captain's garb, the same he had worn on his wedding day, minus the extra jewels. His wedding ring, and the one that lay next to his heart, being the only adornments he felt he should need.

While Violet executed his bow, the King half smiled over the tall, extraordinarily, good looking man that his Elizabeth was married to.

"This is your son, Baron Shelly?" He addressed Marcus.

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