Chapter Fourteen

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Every morning now, since Sissy had begun suffering from child sickness, Katherine made her way to the young mother's home. Katherine helped get the children's breakfast, she did the light morning chores that needed done to keep the home running smoothly, but only after she had milked the cows. Milly and Tilly were a gift to the young couple that Marcus had brought two years past.

Katherine had just finished that chore and stood up, stretching her back by leaning from one side to the other, before bending to lift the second full bucket of the morning. Patting the bovine on her side, she spoke to the gentle beast, "Thank ye Tilly, such a good girl you are." Tilly turned her head towards Katherine's voice and lowed softly. Katherine liked to imagine that Tilly was saying 'your welcome' in her very own way. It was more likely that Tilly was thanking her, for if they were not milked, it became uncomfortable for them.

Katherine set the bucket down with the other she had already filled, outside the pen that Marcus, Violet and Josh had built. She then handed an armful of hay into Tilly and Milly's feeding trough.

She took the milk to the house, setting the buckets on the back porch, she went back to draw water from the well. She filled their trough for the day, noting the dark, grey clouds that were blocking the sun from shining. When she finished watering the animals, Katherine put the water bucket back on it's hook and drew her sweater tighter around herself, as a cold wind gusted, chilling her and blowing her skirts violently to one side.

Returning to the house, she let herself in the back way to the kitchen, bringing the milk with her. She then retrieved the other bucket before latching the door tightly behind her. Sissy sat at the kitchen table, the young children there with her. They were just finishing their breakfast, as Sissy tried to nibble a biscuit and drink a bit of tea.

"Would you like to try some milk this morning, sweetheart?" Katherine set the buckets at one end of the table and went to wash her hands. She then walked over to smooth Sissy's hair back from her forehead.

Sissy looked up at Katherine, her beautiful, green eyes filled with doubt, "I think I am doing alright with the tea for now, Mama Katy, perhaps after a little while I will try something else." Katherine held the side of Sissy's head in her palm, as the young mother leaned her head into the loving hand that held her. "Thank you so much for your help, I would surely not be able to tend to Tilly, Milly, and the children without ye." Sissy smiled weakly at her sweet babes that sat around her.

Her boy, Jake, the eldest at almost five years, smiled back at her. Jake looked so like his father, it was as if God had made a miniature Josh, just to give her comfort when his father was away. Jake rose from his bench and took his bowl to the sink, coming back for the others, as his sisters were finished also. He had to reach up and drop them in the sink, but he was a good little helper.

"We have a storm approaching so 'tis a good day to stay inside and make your butter." Katherine kissed Sissy's forehead, before moving to the drawer and lifting out a clean cloth to wet and wash the little one's faces and hands. "Jake, would you like to play with your blocks while I make us some butter this morning?"

Jake and the girls took off for the front room, there to play with their toys, while Katherine rinsed their bowls before dragging the churn out of the pantry.

Lighting flashed outside the window and the distant rumble of thunder brought Sissy's eyes to Katherine's own, both pair holding a bit of concern.

Katherine brought the churn to where Sissy was and sat beside her. They joined hands and Sissy began to pray, "Father God, we know you watch over all and care for us well, we ask that you keep our men safe and protect them, if this storm reaches them. Please take our fear, and replace it with faith that you have them in Your loving hands and will care for them."

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