Thirty Six Part Two

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Marcus and Katherine did not leave for her cottage until a full sennight had passed.

The King was insisting that his men could start work on the estate immediately. "My men are being paid, Marcus, they have no builds going on at this time, they may as well put their knowledge and their skills to use for a worthy cause."

So Marcus stayed as long as he was needed, meeting with the King's men daily, to discuss exactly what they would need. The plans were drafted up, then approved by Violet, the King, and himself. There were many minor decisions to be made, and Marcus wanted himself, and Violet, to make them together.

Marcus knew that his family was being incredibly blessed. The enthusiasm he had felt before more than doubled. Marcus saw their boon as nothing less than God's favor being poured out upon their endeavor.

Katherine did not mind putting off their trip south in the least. She spent part of her days visiting with Violet, Elizabeth, or the boys. When Marcus was sequestered with the King's men, making their plans, Katherine found time to visit the King's seamstresses and learn some new stitches.

While Katherine could make most anything from leather, she realized she would need to practice stitching lighter fabrics as well. There would be a good number of children that would be coming to them, children of all shapes and sizes. Katherine knew children grew quickly and they would need to have new clothing fairly often.

In the afternoons, Katherine always returned to the suite in plenty of time before supper. She made sure she was there to greet her husband, knowing how Marcus liked to find her there awaiting him.

Katherine and Marcus's nights were filled with rediscovering each other. Katherine came to find that her husband had a wicked sense of humour in the bedroom that kept her quite enthralled.

Katherine and Marcus occupied the sumptuous suite of rooms that Katherine had been given to prepare herself to wed. Katherine found herself luxuriating in the royal treatment that the stay at the castle was affording her. She was waited upon hand and foot, breakfast was delivered to her room every morning, and she had a personal maid to help her dress, who also her would do her hair. There was nothing that Katherine was required to do all the day long.

She thought back to just a short time ago. Her baking, the milking, the wash, and the gardening, all was but a distant memory at the moment.

Katherine tried to fully enjoy this time of leisure, knowing they would certainly have their work cut out for them in the future. She looked forward to the rewards their work would bring, the reward of happy, healthy children. She also found that Marcus's enthusiasm for their new home was contagious.

But that would not be for a while yet, it would take months to build, and her input was not necessary at this point.

Katherine was more than happy to have absolutely nothing to worry over for a while.


The Wench was scheduled to be in dry dock before the sennight had passed. The crew had been busy stripping her of all they could. Pete had reported back for duty, as Sam and he were both needed for the heavier lifting.

Rebecca and the boys walked to the docks everyday at noon, having walked the dog, they would then bring Pete his lunch.

Rebecca and the boys enjoyed the meandering, daily walk down to the harbor, while little Petie tried out the boundaries of her new leash. Petie never lasted the entire distance with her short little legs, Timmy would usually end up carrying the tiny pup well over half the way, his cheeks and chin being licked almost the entire time.

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