Chapter Forty One Part Three

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The bonfire on the sands crackled and snapped, sending multicoloured sparks floating up towards the heavens. The sparks reflected on the still waters of the lake, creating a colourful light show that mesmerised the exhausted, yet, satisfied group that lazed on the lakeshore. Blankets were spread on the sand for the younger folk to sit upon, while chairs had been brought down for the elder couple, Gabriel and the Lady Eleanor.

The Duke and Duchess of Marlborough had decided to join the blanket dwellers, as did the Marquess and Marchioness of Moonhurst. Both couples sharing a blanket with their children, Drake and Arianna.

"Well, Violet," the Duchess ruminated, "I would say that went very well, indeed."

Amelia agreed in a slightly hoarse voice, "I do believe we have accomplished what we set out to do."

Both ladies nodded at one another, receiving affectionate looks from their husbands for the parts they played in assuring the day's success. Damien brushed a strand of hair from Amelia's forehead, "You should try not to speak too much, my love, while you gained the prize for the sow calling contest, I am afraid you lost part of your voice at the activity."

Amelia dipped her head, a bit embarrassed, as she had completely forgotten herself in the excitement to win the contest, she had given it her all.

"I wanted the pearl handled pistol, you see, and now, 'tis mine!" Amelia squeaked, looking down at the pistol in her lap, her hard won prize. She had not even known she wanted one until Elizabeth won the shooting contest. But after watching Betsy shoot, Amelia had warmed to the idea of having one of her own.

"You were the best," Violet ceded, "and your treasure maps were superb, my lady." Violet gave Amelia credit for her diligent work and ink stained fingers.

"Thank you, Violet. I could not have done it so well without Miss Merry's help." Amelia smiled as Damien rubbed her shoulder. She recalled her time spent with the artistic young woman, Miss Merry. Miss Merry had asked right away if Amelia would ever consider allowing Merry to paint a portrait of her. Miss Merry had called her beauty ethereal. Amelia had taken to the friendly, young woman immediately.

Betsy agreed, "Miss Merry is indeed a treasure, one we shall be very blessed to have among us."

Violet lay back, reposing on an elbow, his ankles crossed out in front of him, as he partially lay in Betsy's lap where she sat behind him. Davey had followed Vi's lead and reclined on the blanket beside him.

"Speaking of treasures, my lady," Violet looked behind, and a bit to the side, to address Lady Eleanor, "I hope you had a safe trip home from Marlborough with no untoward happenings?"

Eleanor laughed while placing Gabriel's hand back upon his own chair's armrest. He had been trying to take her hand within his all evening. Lady Eleanor had arrived and spent a lovely day with the children, young and not so young alike. She was blessed to have arrived in time to see Violet and Betsy's celebration, a sweeter moment she could not imagine, and now, to know a babe was on the way, what joy! Eleanor could only imagine how widely Bernard must be smiling down from heaven at present, right along with Elizabeth's mother and father. Bernard would have loved everything about this place. He would have heartily approved of everything they were doing here. Eleanor smiled wistfully as she thought upon how pleased Alexander must be with his friend, the King. Even Eleanor had been surprised at the extent her cousin had gone to for his subjects, masquerading as a pirate, just so he could spend the day with them all, as one of them. Mother. Eleanor chortled, thinking upon the King's inking. She found herself hoping the ink would stain his skin and her cousin would be stuck with it for a while.

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