Forty Five Part Three

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"Oh yes, let's!" Arianna decided a spot of fun at the gaming tables appealed to her far more than the boring business Drake was currently discussing with his father. Placing her hand upon her husband's arm, she waited until Trent gave her his full attention to tell him of her plans. Drake kissed Arianna's temple, told her he would be along momentarily, wishing her luck before turning to continue the conversation he had been having with his father.

The Duke escorted the excited ladies across the ballroom to gain the hallway that lead to the gaming room. "Are you in need of wagers, my dears?" The duke was already reaching into his pocket, ready to disperse a small amount of funds.

"Not I, I came prepared." The duchess' indulgent smile indicating she had indeed been thinking of trying her hand at the tables, as she slipped the knot from the small leather pouch attached to her belted waist.

"As did I." Arianna reached into her deep pocket, pulling out a deck of tarot cards so she could more easily reach the pile of coins at the bottom.

"I do hope you only brought what you are willing to lose." The duke teased the pair as they made the door to the room.

Will had been waiting for the women to arrive. Taking one of the vacated seats at the table; when one man had left, minus the coins he had brought to wager; Will had quickly taken the open seat knowing his mother and sister would not miss an opportunity to play and would be along shortly. Will stood as they entered the room, standing behind his seat, he held out a hand to his mother as she gained sight of him. "Mother," Will handed a gracious Kathleen into her chair. "Good luck." Will imparted, kissing her cheek before moving around the table to Betsy's chair, lifting it and moving it over a space, indian maiden and all. Betsy smiled up at him over her shoulder before he turned to offer Arianna the extra chair he had pulled up earlier, now that there was enough room for her to sit at the table next to Betsy. Arianna thanked him kindly and took her seat.

"Have you played this game before?" Betsy turned to Arianna with her query, "Will told me they call it poque."

Arianna shook her head in the negative, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth as she stacked her coins on the table in front of her. Darting quick looks at the somber men around the table as the duchess stacked her own wagers, Arianna could well see why Betsy had wanted moral support.

"I will be glad to help you as you start." Will offered. "Any objections, gentlemen?" Will raised a brow and considered each man as they waved him off, assuring him his assistance would not be looked at untowardly.

"A moment, Will?" The Duke plucked at Will's sleeve, nodding once towards the hallway.

"If you would care to observe a round first, sit out, ladies. I shall return forthwith to assist you." Will assured them, winking at his mother and giving Arianna's shoulder a light squeeze before following his father out the door to then stand in the hallway. "What is it, father? Elizabeth is already proving a quick study, I would help mother and Arianna to get started." Will's amused gaze shot back to the gaming room door as though he wanted to return as quickly as possible.

"Petals spied the highway woman, she is here." The duke informed him quietly.

Will's head snapped back to look at his father intently. "Where?"

"The balcony of the ballroom, he asked that you meet him there." The duke replied in a harsh whisper.

"Damn." Will's face became frustrated as he looked back to the gaming room. "Mother and Ari..."

"I will stay and assist them," the duke assured him. "Go."

Will nodded, leaving at a good clip, moving quick enough that he did not hear as the duke rejoined the ladies assuring them of his own assistance. Though Will wanted to bolt up the main staircase, he forced himself slow his pace, even managing to nod amicably at those he knew as he passed them. Gaining the landing, he looked about, not seeing Violet until a scant moment later when the man exited a door across the way before closing it behind him.

Violet shook his head in the negative when his eye caught Will's, he then moved on to the next doorway as Will caught on and looked beside him. Finding a door there, he searched the room which also turned out to be devoid of humanity. The men continued on until three more rooms had been searched, all of them leading to naught. Meeting in the middle, Violet told Will how the woman had been there one second and gone the next.

"Was she in costume?" Will queried.

"Aye, a wily fox, cloaked in scarlet." Violet scanned the ballroom beneath them.

"Was she alone?" Will asked, his gaze also searching the throng of nobles below for a fleeing, cloaked figure.

Violet then caught sight of a red billowing cape for the merest second, making it's way from the room. He saw that the lass was heading out to the gardens. "There!" Violet pointed down to the ballroom doors that were held wide open.

Will turned his head sharply, however, not in time to see her slip out. As one, both men turned and began to stride quickly towards the staircase, "I shall follow her if you would care to return to the card room with Bitsy." Will offered. Though to Violet it half sounded like an order.

"Nay, we shall both seek her out." Violet insisted, an amused expression flitting across his face in regard to Will's pet name for Betsy.

They began stepping spryly down the stairs side by side, "If you find her, hold her, but do not raise an alarm." Will entreated as they made the landing.

"My thoughts exactly." Violet gestured to the far door, the one the lass had taken. Once outside on the stone terrace they parted company, Will taking the pathway to the right, while Violet went leftward, heading for the far walkway that meandered out through the lamplit gardens.

Worrying the ring he had slipped onto his pinkie finger with his thumb, Violet strode purposefully, his gaze delving deeply into each and every shadow he passed, though he debated internally whether he truly wanted to catch the woman or not. His hesitation came upon him strongly, for he knew if she was apprehended she would be thrown into a cell to await a certain hanging. Violet said a quick, simple prayer while casting his gaze upward, asking for peace over the situation he found himself in. Your will be done, Lord. Feeling a strange discernment come over him, Violet smiled wryly, still looking mind you, but only halfheartedly, for he now had a strong feeling that the fox would not be run aground.


It pours... :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2017 ⏰

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