Chapter Eighteen Part Two

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Jude packed his bag in a dour mood. He did not want to go to the country, he did not want to hunt, and he did not want to have to pretend to want Gwendolyn.

He had been making ground with his heiress, and did not want her to slip out of his grip. Having told her last eve he had a sick uncle he needed to visit, he hoped she would at least miss his attentions while he was gone, mayhap even pine for him.

While he did not want to go, he thought it prudent to keep abreast of Gwen and Alfred's plans. He could not afford to have them move ahead with anything nefarious without his knowledge.

He finished his packing, taking the bag downstairs with him to set by the front door, while he went to break his fast. He had already delayed an entire second day after receiving Gwen's note, taking the time he needed to reassure the lovely Terese, that he wished they were already wed, so she could accompany him to his uncle's estate. Luckily for him, he was an extremely smooth liar and she had not suspected a thing, she had even offered to say a prayer for his poor, sick uncle.


"It seems you have been practicing, old man." Violet raised a brow at Marcus, as he was being backed up across the field behind Katherine's cottage.

"Mayhap, a little." Marcus chuckled a bit, as he was taken off guard by a quick counter attack.

Violet extended his blade, forcing Marcus back, as Marcus now found himself losing the ground he had just gained.

Everyone present had moved their blankets around back, sitting where they had a good view while letting their dinner settle, and were now spectators to the assault.

As the men took each other's measure, advancing and retreating, as they parried and reprised, they were either grinning or wearing a look of concentration, depending on which end of the engagement they found themselves on.

"Lessons from a master?" Violet asked, very impressed, as Marcus feinted an invitation, then launched his own counter attack.

"Just a new friend, willing to give an old man some pointers." Marcus drove the point home with an extension of his own, resulting in a flick against Vi's jacket, directly over his heart.

Violet laughed with surprise as the 'point' went to Marcus.

"Well done, old man!" Violet ceded to his opponent.

Marcus bowed gallantly.

They grinned at one another, until Brutus called "en guarde", wherein they took up their stances again.

Violet lead out this time, engaging Marcus in a point in line that had him parrying and reprising.

"Anyone I know?" Violet queried, as he retreated once again.

"I do not think you have had the pleasure." Marcus retorted, as Vi executed a riposte, coming back with his own extension and flick upon Marcus' jacket.

"Well done, son!" Marcus exclaimed with pleasure and pride.

"Brutus is a most formidable opponent, I have had to learn many a trick to outwit him." Violet grinned at Brutus, as that one nodded and smirked.

"En guarde" Brutus called out again.

The men continued their swordplay as Katherine and Betsy watched, each of them proud of the man they loved. Katherine thoroughly pleased, watching father and son enjoy themselves so with one another.

"How long has it been since you and Violet were wed?" Katherine finally got around to satisfying her curiosity.

"'Tis been over two fortnights now, mayhap a sennight longer than that." Betsy thought back to that day, and all that had happened since. It felt much longer considering all they had been through, and yet the passionate thrill of being newly wed had not left them whatsoever.

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