Thirty Eight Part Three

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Betsy still could not convince Arianna to like Violet. Tolerate him, yes. Ignore him, not a problem. Speak to him civilly, fine. But to like him, Arianna refused.

Still, there was just something about the pirate captain she did not care for.

She and Betsy had caught up, some. It was difficult with Amelia there, as they did not want to leave her out of their conversation.

Betsy explained to Arianna about Violet rescuing the children. She told Arianna what Violet felt was his mission in life. However, Arianna knew in her own heart, that Violet must have used saving the babes as a ruse to further benefit from his pirating.

Amelia, and Katherine both came together in agreement. They would never have thought of having a fair to raise funds and awareness for the orphanage. They both saw it as pure genius for Violet to have thought of it.

Arianna blew a thin strand of raven hair from her nose, reaching up to rub where it tickled her.

Arianna then heard, from her mother's own mouth, of Violet's assault upon Will, how Violet Petals had hit her brother, knocking him flat upon their own drive.

Arianna gasped in outrage.

"Now dear, your brother had it coming." The duchess tried to assure her, "Your brother was rude, so your father said, and he deserved it. They ended it as gentlemen, and made their peace."

Her mother dared to defend such violent actions?

Arianna was growing angrier by the moment. All anyone ever did was defend the man, making him out to be some sort of savior, or the like.

Betsy indeed, still seemed to be ensnared by his looks, and Arianna's own mother was also. Amelia seemed not far behind, driving Arianna to make her excuses, before she be ill. She left the ladies to their Violetfest, rising quickly, leaving the room before she had to hear any more.

Making her way from the reception room, Arianna went immediately to the front portal, hoping to find a spot of fresh air.

Arianna walked out the manse's entrance, where the men were either sitting comfortably, or leaning against the railing.

Drake saw Arianna immediately, and came to her side, "Is all well, Angel?" He stroked her hair back from her face to look into her emerald eyes.

Arianna smiled up at him weakly, "I am fine, I just needed some air."

Drake leaned down to press a kiss to her temple.

The Duke of Marlborough came over, gruffly inquiring after her health, joining Drake, and standing beside her.

"I am fine you two," Arianna assured them, "Go back to your brandies and cigars, please. I am simply going to walk a bit and look around."

"You are sure?" Drake asked, "You would not like me to come with you?"

"No, really, I am fine, I shan't be long." Arianna smiled reassuringly at her husband, before lifting her skirts and descending the steps.

Arianna walked in the direction of the stable, thinking the horses might provide better company than the misguided women she had been forced to endure.

My word, Arianna thought, how could people be so blind, to not see that the man was a thief, that he had stolen for his living.

And to think he was Drake's cousin.

Arianna had not met Drake's uncle, Marcus, yet. But Drake told her he was a good, kind man, and Violet was apparently his bastard.

Arianna did not blame this Marcus person for not claiming a pirate as his son all these years. That must have been a truly, hard cross to bear, knowing his own son was a violent criminal.

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