Chapter 42 P. 3

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Marcus had drawn the window blinds open some miles back. They were nearing Shelly, traveling north on the road which would take them through the township before reaching their final goal. The town of Shelly was small, harboring a few over two score and ten souls. A score or so worked at the estate, such as the maids, Sadie and Nora. Others were men involved in the husbandry of the estate, tending to the many cattle, sheep, chickens, and horses. Still others tended to the manse's gardens and grounds. Marcus had a close relationship with his tenants, having been a fair and opportunistic landowner, Marcus was well respected and appreciated by his people.

Seeing some unusual activity on the outskirts of town, Marcus rapped against the top of the coach, signaling to Lynwood that he wanted to stop. The carriage slowed, coming to a rest next to empty ground, where crews of men were working to level two squares of land. Marcus alit from the coach, and then turned, handing Katherine down. Placing her hand through his arm they walked towards the groups of men.

"Baron Shelly." The town's 'mayor', and patriarch, David Wells, approached the pair. A smile wreathing his face, his hand extended to grasp Marcus' and shake it firmly.

"David, 'tis good to see you." Marcus greeted the man warmly, introducing his new baroness, after which pleasantries were exchanged and congratulations were given. "What are you men about today?" Marcus only recognized a few of the men, a few more present, he did not know, which made him extremely curious.

"We had a meeting with Petals the other morn and we came together on a fine idea." David turned and the three of them slowly walked closer to where the men were leveling the ground with flat spades and hoes.

Marcus nodded, encouraging David to continue.

"When Petals had his big festival at the manse, we saw many unfortunate people, Marcus." David Wells shook his head regretfully. "It made us realize just how blessed we are to have you and this fine land we live upon."

Marcus felt blessed also, he and Katherine exchanged a glance, both counting their blessings while wondering what their son had been up to now.

"We could not see why those people must live in squalor," David continued, "their children being gnawed upon by hungry rats while they go hungry. It occurred to Petals, our community will need more hands to help tend the fields you are planning, and there is building work to be done for quite some months on the estate."

Marcus could see where this was going and he grew increasingly proud. He was proud of Violet, and he was proud of these people that he cared for and supported.

"We have decided to build two small dwellings at a time, and as more needful families move in, we shall have more hands to help build."

David led Marcus and Katherine to one man in particular. Placing his hand on the gaunt man's shoulder, David waited until the man stopped shoveling and turned, seeking David's face. "Baron Shelly, this is Andrew Horton. Andrew," David spoke clearly, while Andrew looked upon him closely. "Baron Shelly." Andrew dipped his head quickly at Marcus and remained quiet.

"I am pleased to make your acquaintance." Marcus offered.

Andrew nodded again and Marcus looked to David curiously.

"He does not speak, Marcus. Andrew is deaf and it has caused him much grief in acquiring work."

At that, Andrew looked at Marcus, his soulful, dark eyes pleading for understanding as he nodded vigorously.

Marcus smiled warmly at the man. "I am very pleased you are here, Andrew, please, carry on." Marcus gave the man leave to get back to his task, which Andrew attacked with vigor.

David lead them away from the men, "Andrew has a wife and three children, two are still in swaddling, but the eldest, a six year old, is employed at a factory."

Marcus and Katherine's eyes shot to Andrew, both of them furtively looking to the man who was working his heart out.

"All he needs is an opportunity, my lord. To be given a chance." David shook his head, "It was his wife speaking to mine at the festivities that alerted us to their plight. The first home we are building will be his, for his family, so they can bring their other child home."

Marcus was amazed and Katherine was heartened. These were exactly her kind of people. Just as her community had been, this one was equally fine. Both Marcus and Katherine were proud of their son, that he had seen a need, addressed it and taken appropriate action.

"I could not have done better myself." Marcus shook his head slightly, "'tis a wonderful thing being done here, David, I heartily approve." Marcus assured him.

"I was assured you would think so, my lord." David spoke candidly, knowing Marcus as he did. "'Twas only the old Baroness that kept us hedged in, my lord, if you do not mind my saying so." He said this a bit humbly, yet, he spoke the truth and they both knew that he did.

Marcus squeezed Katherine's hand, not sure how she felt about Gwendolyn being mentioned.

"And that is the truth of it." Marcus agreed wholeheartedly, "It was as if we had a cloud over us for a good many years." Marcus looked down upon his bride. "However, the sun now shines brightly, Mister Wells, it shines oh, so very brightly."

Katherine's violet eyes sparkled up at Marcus, they were filled with love and warmth at his words implying that she brightened his life.

Marcus was eager to be off and shook David's hand once more in parting, "A fine day to you, David, and a fine task you have set yourself to."

"Thank you, my lord, His blessings upon you both." David Wells nodded.

"Also, upon you." Marcus replied, taking Katherine's hand again, he led her back to their coach where Lynwood stood by. "Let us go home and see the children." Marcus stated.

"Oh yes, Marcus, I can hardly wait. I want to hear all about this festival the good man mentioned."

"I am also curious, sounds as if we may have missed something exciting, Katy girl."


Lol, that's not all they missed. How do you think Grandma Katherine shall take the news???

Blessings my lovely readers :)

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