Thirty Seven

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Violet and Betsy christened their lair with passion.

Both replete with gratefulness to be in their familiar bed, they lay entwined in their furs, enjoying the closeness that their loving brought to them.

"Ye thinks ye shall be happy here, wench?" Violet teased, his voice a husky whisper, his fingertips lightly stroking up and down the velvety soft skin of her lower back.

She chuckled softly, "Aye, Captain, I believe we shall get on here just fine." She, in turn, drew hearts upon his chest and belly, as she lay tucked up against his side.

" 'Tis fortuitous ye feel that way, as ye have no choice now." Violet chuckled along with her.

"Oh," She laughed softly, "I could always go back to the castle, I am sure the King would not mind." She held her breath and prepared for his onslaught, which indeed, came very quickly.

Violet flipped her over upon her back, coming over her, pinning her in place, "Oh ho, ye thinks so do ye? An' how will ye manage that, Kitten, if I keeps ye here in me bed and I never let ye go?" Violet raised a brow, as he growled at her.

Dipping his head, he kissed her neck and shoulder, as she giggled her pleasure, her hands running down his back to rest upon his buttocks.

She raised her own brow back at him, "Ye be a fool, Violet, if you think I would ever leave you for any reason. I told you I would be happy wherever you are, and I shall be." She lifted her head to peck him upon the lips, her eyes glittering with love as she squeezed his bum.

Violet laughed lustily, then kissed Betsy thoroughly, his hand holding the back of her head gently, keeping her right where he wanted her.

When he withdrew his face from hers, her love was reflected in the violet orbs shining down upon her.

"I love you more than life itself, Elizabeth." He said passionately, "If you did not care to be here, I would truly not expect us to stay." Violet was serious in his assurances, even as he hoped she could find it in her heart to be happy here.

"It was the ship. That was the only reason I felt as I did, Violet. I shall miss the Wench, and the crew, but not as much as I would miss you if you sailed away without me." She held his head also, and pulled him down for another kiss.

He obliged heartily, then pulled back to search her guileless eyes, "You do not believe I could have done so, do you?" Violet now knew she was definitely the spark in his life he needed, that he indeed, would feel empty and dead inside if she were not by his side.

"I know the cause is a worthy one, and I know what it means to you." Betsy stroked his cheek softly as she answered him.

"Just know, my love, as worthy a cause as it is, I have found God will find a way to accomplish his ends no matter what we humans decide to do. I have found that my place is with you. To leave you, love, would be to leave my heart behind." Violet meant his words with all of his heart.

"We can not have that, now can we?" Betsy's stomach chose that moment to growl against his.

"Not any more than we can have ye starvin' ta death, wench." Violet laughed.

Betsy ducked her chin, embarrassed at her body's announcement of her hunger, "Mayhap, I am a tiny bit hungry." Her belly roiling yet again.

"Come on," Violet rolled off her, coming to his feet at the side of the bed, holding his hand out to her.

Betsy let her eyes roam his perfect form for a moment, loving every inch of Violet's body that she now knew so well.

"Do we have to?" She whined at him, as he walked to bottom of the bed and grabbed her foot.

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