Twenty Two Part Three

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As soon as Violet made his plea, the rain began to taper off. The rolling sea slowly calmed and the dark clouds parted.

Betsy noticed the radiant slice of sunshine that suddenly streamed through the window warming her back.

She turned to look out the glass behind her, her eyes shining with joy, when she saw the stretch of blue skies and fluffy white clouds.

The dark, heavy, rainclouds were slowly moving out to sea.

"I am going to find Violet." Betsy stated suddenly.

The two women smiled down upon their work and nodded, though Betsy was already making her way through the door.


Violet sat at one end of the long wooden tables on the mess side of the galley. Marcus sat across from him, and Brutus sat to his side. Michaels completed their foursome. They were also accompanied by another two groups of men and boys, that were playing cards, and jokingly socializing as they waited out the storm.

Paulie had gone to his cabin with Jonah to nap, and Ellie had brought aboard more cider and sweets for the crew, of which they were partaking while they played.

"So what is this I heard about you kissing a penguin, Brutus?" Marcus was hoping to throw Brutus off his game, as Marcus and Vi were losing.

Brutus and Michaels had retained the upper hand so far, and it looked as if their luck would continue.

Brutus turned a scathing glare upon Violet. "Really?"

He then turned to Marcus with a grin, "Nice try, old man, you shall still lose to our superior skill." Brutus slapped down a winning card and took the hand.

"Well played, Brutus." Michaels, his teammate, praised.

"Thank ye, partner." Brutus dipped his head in recognition of his boon.

Violet knew the moment she entered the room, his back to the door and all, he felt when her presence entered his.

He smiled as he remembered the scene in the hallway a bit ago. It had taken him some moments to collect himself and be any kind of decent company at all. But now, as she came into the space where he was, he felt a completeness that had been missing when he left her.

He turned and met Betsy's eyes as she walked towards him, he rose and took her hand, holding the ends of her fingers loosely in his, he toyed with her fingertips as he soaked up the sight of her.

"The rain has stopped, Violet." She smiled up into his eyes that shone down into hers.

It was true, he had not noticed the seas had calmed, that the ship no longer rocked against the quay.

"Did you want to go now?" He asked of her.

"Yes, please, I would like to be ready to leave for London whenever you want, so let us go now, if 'tis fine with you. I am ready." Betsy's eyes were shining up into his so sweetly, he bent and kissed her quickly, leaving a smile upon her face as he withdrew.

Violet addressed his crew, "I am going ashore for a bit, men, it seems the rain has stopped and we will be on our way soon. Any last moment things should be taken care of."

The men and boys stood, preparing to clean up and make ready to sail in the near future.

Violet took Betsy's hand and they went top deck to check the temperature.

It was still a bit chilly, they would both need outerwear before departing the ship.

Going belowdeck again, to their own cabin, they swept through where the women were working, both to acquire something warmer to don. Betsy closed the door to their bedchamber behind them.

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