Chapter Eleven

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Violet found Betsy standing in the hall outside the children's cabin.

She put a finger to her mouth to ensure Vi's silence as he padded barefoot towards her. She smiled and winked at him, as he realized she still had the nightshirts in her hand, she was listening to Paulie's story.

Vi crept up beside her and leaned against the wall next to where she did the same. He reached out and smoothed her hair under his hand, then hooked his arm around her shoulders, so she could lean into his side.

"The prince, he tried the shoe on Cinderelly and it fit her foot jus' perfect! Then he knew he ha' foun his princess, an he took her away from that house an he tol er, ye never has ta see them evil wemen ever agin!" Paulie finished his story as Betsy looked up at Vi, he looking down upon her, smiles wreathing both their faces.

Betsy hid her amusement as she swept into the cabin, "Time to dress for bed, my sweets." She started with Sarah, undressing her and then pulling the nightshirt over her head, as Lila caught her up on what their story had been about.

After dressing the wee ones, she gave Johnny his nightshirt and tucked the babes in, followed by Vi and lastly Paulie, as hugs and kisses were shared by all.

"Would you like me to stay and listen to your prayers?" Betsy did not know if the children had said prayers previously, but she hoped so.

"Me, me!" Jonah cried out.

Lila, Sarah and Johnny seemed a bit at a loss, but also seemed willing to learn anything that Betsy thought was good.

Betsy and Jonah folded their hands together, the other children watching and following suit, also bowing their heads when they caught on, yet peeking up to make sure they were supposed to continue doing so.

"God, tank you for my food, tank you for Timmy an my new fwends, Johnny, Wiwa, Sawah, Miss and the Capin, tank you for Pauwlie and our good stowy. Pweese watch ober us as we sweep, amen." Jonah looked up at Betsy and smiled, she smiled back at him, a trace of happy tears in her eyes as joy filled her heart with his sweet, precious, little prayer.

She turned her head and smiled at Violet, after catching Paulie saying an amen along with them, before raising his head.

Paulie winked at Betsy, and addressed the children, before returning to the galley to help the men clean up. "Sleep well lil ones, we shall ha' us some more fun on ta morrow, g'night an sweet dreamings." Paulie shared a smile, encompassing all of the babes before leaving.

Betsy and Vi heard him start whistling as he retreated down the hallway, they both found this reason to laugh a bit and share a loving look between them.

Sarah piped up of a sudden, "I need to use the privy, please." She wiggled a little, in emphasis of her plight.

Lila and Jonah looked pleased that Sarah had spoken, so Betsy assisted them, one by one, behind a curtained off corner. Johnny changed into his nightshirt while Betsy was hidden, then crawled into the top half of the bed to sleep beside his sisters, leaving a spot for Timothy at the bottom, next to Jonah.

When all were settled back under the covers, Betsy rubbed her hand up and down on their ankles, which were all found in the middle of the bed, wishing them sweet dreams and a good night. She rose and blew out the lantern, as they wished her the same.

Violet smiled as she joined him at the door, taking her hand in his, they walked up the hallway and gained his cabin door.

"I'm afraid, I also need use of the privy." Betsy giggled, as she put her hand on the latch and turned to smile up at him.

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