Forty Three

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Violet and Marcus discussed livestock and crops, while Katherine and Betsy put the finishing touches on their costumes for the masquerade that evening.

The hour long carriage ride into town passed quickly, amid tasks and good conversation.

"I believe we did it." Katherine folded the last item, tucking it down in the bag by her feet as they rolled into town.

"I could not have done so well without you." Betsy assured her as she looked up from her beadwork.

"You were doing just fine, dear, I only helped in making it easier." Katherine demurred.

"I am just glad you came back when you did." Betsy admitted.

"We are too," Katherine looked at Marcus, they exchanged a warm smile, as both were pleased to be back with the children. "we did not want to miss the ball." Katherine admitted.

"It is most exciting, is it not?" Betsy looked up from her beadwork, excitement shining in her eyes.

Violet looked down upon Betsy beside him, feeling her pent up excitement, understanding this was to be her first ball, thus making it extra special. Gracing her with an indulgent smile, Violet stilled her hand and took it in his own.

"I have to finish my beads, Violet, we are almost there." Betsy admonished him, a slight frown upon her brow, as she wanted to be done. Her fingers were sore from pushing a needle, she praised God that at least Marcus had brought Katherine back to help her.

Violet lifted Betsy's hand, kissing her fingertips, he then took the item from her hand. "Allow me, Madame, I believe I have watched you long enough to know what to do."

Betsy looked at him curiously as he bent to the task, plucking beads from her lap one by one before stringing them as he had seen her do. Betsy's eyes met Katherine's, and Marcus's, all of them amused watching the pirate captain stringing beads. Violet's frown of concentration amused them to no end.

Betsy began handing Violet the beads as he needed them, the task was finished quickly, and put away gratefully soon after.

Lynwood delivered them directly to Eleanor's townhouse, where they would dine before then readying themselves for the ball.

They gathered up their things, as Lynwood set the step and opened the carriage door, Marcus alighting first, then handing his Katy down. He then took their bags in hand and waited as Violet did the same with Betsy.

Lynwood rapped upon the portal of the townhouse and Brady was there in an instant to allow them entrance.

"Miss Elizabeth." Brady acknowledged his young mistress, then welcoming them all, he stood aside and gestured that they should enter at will.

Violet entered with a large gunny sack, holding the cord that drew the bag closed, he looked for a place to set it.

"I shall take that to your rooms if you would like, Sir." Brady offered.

"Thank you, we will not be needing these until later." Violet gave the bag over as Betsy peeked into the parlour, finding it empty. "I will go see what Lady Eleanor is up to."

Brady stowed Violet's bag under the staircase for a few moments, while he settled the guests, and then rang for tea.

Betsy bounded up the staircase, hoping Eleanor would be in her rooms, or mayhap in the sitting room at the top of the stairs.

"Dagnappit, woman! I will not be coerced into wearing a damn sheet!"

Betsy heard her great grandfather's exclamations before she was half way up the staircase. Giggling to herself, she swept through the doorway, wondering what she would find him up to this time.

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