Nineteen Part Two

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Katherine dreamed she was flying, up through the clouds and beyond, gliding across the blue skies with a bird's eye view of the hills and the ocean. She flew smoothly along, following the coastline, flying even higher than the birds that trolled the sea.

A bump in her flight brought her mind around to the fact that she dreamt, she forced herself to wakefulness, realising she was aboard the ship and it had been cutting it's way through the water as she slept.

She smiled and wondered what the day would bring. They were to follow the coastline up to their destination and she wanted to see the sights that would be all new to her.

She rose and hurried through her toilette, preparing herself for the new day and a better understanding of how her son lived his life.

She exited Brutus' cabin, making her way to the galley, there to find everyone who was not manning the ship and sails breaking their fast.

A chorus of "Good morn, Mama Katy's and Katherine's" greeted her, even as the boys rose and came to receive their hugs. Davey led her to a seat by Violet and Elizabeth, then went to fetch her a mug of coffee. There were platters of ham and eggs, a gift from Sissy's parents, and her own coffee cakes graced the table.

"Tis a beautiful crisp morn out there, Mama. Marcus is up with Brutus at the helm and I could not get him to leave. He said to inform him when you broke your slumber and he would join us." Violet grinned at her, the sight of Marcus laughing in the breeze, manning the helm, more alive than Violet had ever seen him before, had brought him a joy he had relished.

"I will tell him!" Davey ran out of the galley, as Katherine laughed at his exuberance and energy.

She sipped her coffee, barely able to not spill on herself, as her wide smile could not be contained. Not very often did she get to be a part of a large, boisterous group upon rising.

Davey came flying back into the room, Marcus sauntering in behind him, wearing the most illuminating smile Katherine had ever seen upon his face.
"Tis most glorious out there today Katy, let us eat then come up with me, I would have you see me sail this ship, we have passed cliffs and towns, and all the people on shore stop and wave as we sail by. 'Tis the most thrilling thing I have ever done, I did not realise how much I missed the sea." His excitement was contagious, Violet chuckled at his visage, which was lit up like a child upon Christmas morn.

"I will be glad to join you Marcus, come have some coffee with me first if you can sit still long enough." Katherine laughed the words.

"Oh, I cannot sit Katy girl," Marcus plucked a square of the cake, as Davey brought him a coffee, "I only await you to come with me."

Violet looked upon Marcus, the way his eyes sparkled at Katherine. Vi thought back to how he used pretend, picturing them together as his parents. He did not know when, or how it had came about, but for years he had thought there was love for one another there. Not just association love, or mutual caring for another person, but a deep, abiding love that he could not explain. Marcus had his own family that lived to the north, yet Violet could swear that Marcus and his mother were in love with one another. Vi shook his head, knowing it was a dream he had carried as a child. The dream that Marcus was a part of their own family. It was easier to imagine he supposed, never having seen his own father and mother together. Nor ever having seen Marcus with his own family.

He shook the thought out of his mind, turning to Betsy. "Brutus will be good for a few more hours, would you like to troll for fish?"

She loved being up on deck in the sunshine enjoying her husband's company, "Aye, let's." She finished her tea, then rose with Violet to gather their rods and go fish the sea. The boys would most likely join them when their chores were finished.

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