Seventeen Part Two

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Vi and Betsy returned to Sissy, there to wait for the other crewmen who would need dry clothing also, and to give Chauncey his spectacles upon his return.

Brutus, Samson, Pete, and Bart were drying off, all of them wearing smiles upon their faces, as they looked out to sea watching Paulie, then Chauncey go under. Josh was wading out of the water towards them, grinning at his wife.

The men were joyous and light, they had left their burdens in the sea, as the blood of the Savior had washed them away.

Sissy handed Josh a linen, receiving a kiss in return.

The men were gathering their boots and shirts. Marcus and Katherine joined them, Katherine collecting the damp used cloths. Anna and Brutus' mother, Beatrice, along with other family members, joined them, creating quite a jovial atmosphere.

The ladies started planning, Katherine had just made bread earlier, and everyone else had their own contributions, leading up to a feast at Katherine's cottage as soon as all could regather.

Brutus' father offered to bring fish, and all who had disembarked from the ship that day, groaned aloud. They had had a steady diet of salted fish for the last month, served every different way Josh could think to prepare it.

Brutus' father laughed, as he knew this was usually the case, pork and fish, fish and pork. He had heard it all before, and he just loved to tease those he cared about.

"Ahh, but I have some good smoked fish I just made on Saturday." He raised a brow, as he knew the men coveted this, for he was known for this delicacy, which did not end up tasting whatsoever as salt cured fish. The smoking gave the meat a flavor all it's own. It truly was a favorite of the men.

"If everyone would just bring what you would like to, we should be on our way." Katherine tried to move everyone along, as she still had yet to hear of Violet's adventures.

"Step lively men, we need to move quickly, or Mama Katy may just burst of curiosity." Violet grinned at his mother, teasing her, as he kissed her cheek and clasped Marcus on the shoulder, winking at him.

As all the men gained the shore, the crew made their way back to the skiffs, Violet setting Betsy in the bow, before pushing and turning the boat to head back out to sea. With both boats full they began rowing out to the Wench, side by side.

Katherine and Marcus went to Sissy's line behind the house and draped the cloths to be collected later. Katherine called the boys to come along with her and Marcus, to help set planks across barrels outside her home, for their impromptu meal.

The boys were full of energy and the task was completed quickly.

Marcus' wagon had arrived and the boys were enthralled with the lambs. The lambs, finally out of the wagon, kicked up their heels and raced around the grassy area between the cottage and the woods. The boys spent quite a while 'herding' them, while running every which way, laughing and calling to one another. Katherine supplied Marcus' driver with a cup of tea while he stretched his legs, watching and laughing at the boys antics.

Lila and Sarah were set to investigating Katherine's box of playthings in the front room, while Katherine sliced bread, filling a platter in the kitchen area.

Marcus sat at the table watching her, content to be in her presence, and fill his eyes with her beloved face.

"You came early this time, Marcus, 'twas lovely to be surprised by both you and Violet this fine day." She smiled as she sliced, a better day she could not imagine. All of her loved ones, and some new ones, soon to fill her home with laughter and joy. And the men in the sea, she wondered what had happened to bring on that occurrence.

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