Chapter Eight Part Two

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Violet was just winding his tale to an ending, the princess had been saved, she and the gallant knight, who had slain the evil dragon, would live happily ever after. Jonah was still awake, as he had napped earlier, but the two little girls were fast asleep.

Josh had just emptied his buckets of steaming water into the tub in Violet's bedchamber, he had intended to go get two more, but the sight of Violet, at a loss, stopped him in the outer chamber.

"Need some help there, do ye?" Josh asked him softly.

Violet smiled down at the sleeping babes in his lap, "I believe I may, at that," Violet spoke softly also, as Josh set his buckets down, then lifted Jonah away from Vi.

Just as he was trying to decide what to do with the child, one of the boys they had rescued, came quietly to the cabin door.

Jonah saw his brother, and reached his arms out to him, "Timmy, I wan Timmy."

Josh walked to the door and Jonah launched himself at his brother, who caught him as if he had a million times before, which he had. Not having known a mother, Jonah was very attached to his big brother.

Timothy held the wee one close, burying his nose in the soft curls. He was so thankful his brother did not seem traumatised from his encounter with the previous pirate crew.

Jonah leaned back and placed his hands on Timothy's cheeks. "Go with Timmy. I wan a go with Timmy." The babe looked back at Violet, "Timmy?"

"Yes, you may go with your brother, Jonah." Violet was warmed by the brotherly affection. Timothy was a good looking, strapping, healthy boy. An older version of the babe in his arms, he was a very handsome young fellow, with deeply, soulful eyes. "There are toys in the chest in your cabin, if you would like to take him to play before bedtime."

Timothy nodded, and turned to leave, but then turned back. Tears of gratitude filled his eyes, as he looked upon the kind captain, who sat with two sleeping babes on his lap. "I am so grateful to you sir, I had lost hope, sir, and he means the world to me."

"T'was my pleasure, Tim. 'Tis what I do, every chance I am given. I am thankful to be able to do so." Violet's eyes held compassion, and relief, that these beautiful children were safe now. "We shall talk tomorrow, have a good rest, son."

Timothy nodded to Violet, then made his way down the long hall to the other end of the ship, where the cabin they had been given resided.

Josh took one of the girls from Violet, laying her gently on the window seat cushions, as Vi rose and settled her sister in next to her.

"Thank you, Josh, I had my hands right full there for a moment." He laughed softly, as made his way to his bedchamber. Josh filled the buckets with the children's bath water to dump them over the rail topside.

Violet went to the corner of his sleeping room and drew the curtain aside. The tub was steaming, though the water was still shallow, and Violet could not help but to try and imagine Betsy reclining there. His body began to stir as images filled his mind. Her bottom in the breeches was an image he could not shake. Her shapely legs and arms bared, a sight he still had to look forward to. And her bosom, of which he had not been able to get a feel for, when he had held her in his arms earlier.

He was glad they were getting to know each other better, he just wished it had not had to be under such sad conditions. He knew it had been a rough, emotional day for her, as he had not had time to warn her, exactly what it was he felt a call to do.

He lit a candle for her on the stand, as the light was fading, and took a linen from the dresser drawer, placing it upon the bed next to her things. Then, rather than feed upon the images of his soon to be naked wife, he went topside, to join Brutus for a bit of conversation, leaving her free to bathe undisturbed.

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