Chapter Seven Part One

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Violet stepped out from the cover of jungle, just as Redbeard and his men slid their gig up onto the sand. Sam and Pete were there to greet the visitors, being his two strongest men, that was a good thing. Violet was still a short way down the stretch of beach, making his way toward them.

Vi heard a rustling behind him, knowing it could only be Betsy, he glanced behind, to see just exactly what she thought she was doing. When he saw her, he chuckled softly to himself, saucy, little wench. You could not stay put, could you?

He turned back towards the men on the beach, but he could still see in his mind the filthy, unrecognizable urchin she had become. He adopted his flamboyant walk, to help distract the pirates from his newest 'crewman', and to keep his reputation intact.

As Violet approached and addressed the men, Betsy kept walking on past them, her head down, keeping to the edge of the jungle, she then joined the cabin boys. She picked up a long stick, and mostly turning her back to the newcomers, she began poking the sheets and clothing down into the kettle.

Violet swung his arms and put a lilt in his step. He approached the men and removed an imaginary hat, performing a flamboyant bow, as he stopped before them. "Redbeard, my friend, how very pleasing 'tis to see you. What brings you to my tiny spot of paradise?" He swept his arm to indicate the bay they occupied, then he turned his most charming smile, upon these men he did not fully trust.

"Violet Petals, 'tis been far too long," Redbeard clapped Violet on the back as Vi winced, playing false that the other man's enthusiasm injured him, as the other pirates sniggered at his apparent weakness. "When I saw 'twas ye afloatin' in the bay, I remembered yer good man Michaels an' the way he hast w' the fixin' o' ships. I has me a cracked mast step I be needing his good opinin' on."

Redbeard looked the way of the kettle, noting the two boys standing around it, one slid his toe back and forth in the sand, the other poked at the kettle with a stick. The remaining four had sticks also, and were "sword fighting", as they waited for Violet to light their bonfire. "Ain't ye goin t'light that fire, or are ye hopin' it be lightin' isself?" Redbeard chuckled, his men laughed behind him.

"Now, that would be a first for me." Violet laughed along with them, ever wary, yet this was their game, to act the best of friends, while you watched out for the knife in your back. He swung his arm out widely, making a half bow, "I have no issue with you needing my man's help, as long at it pleases you." Violet gave Redbeard a stunning smile, engaging his eyes, almost, but not quite, flirting with the man.

"Good, good," Redbeard turned, more than a bit uncomfortable, and walked to his boat. Grabbing the arm of the small boy in the gig, he dragged him out onto the sand, tossing him Violet's way.

The tiny boy spiraled and fell to his face, coming to rest at Violet's feet, as Vi tried his very best not to react to Redbeard's callous treatment of the child. Vi looked at Redbeard and quirked his brow. Later, he would be furious, for now he had to play his part. He knew the boy's life depended on it.

"I bring ye a trade, yer man Michaels services fer this here boy, I knows how ye like yer boys." Redbeard gave Violet a conspiring look, as his men snickered behind him. The pirates assumed Vi's crew were a lazy bunch, that they made the youngsters do as much of the work aboard ship as possible, so they would not have to. They also thought that Violet took the younger ones to the slave auction to be sold as child labor.

Violet did not care what they thought, as long as he could get the child away from them. He squatted in the sand, and with a finger, lifted the boy's chin to look at his face. The small child kept his eyes cast down, he was shaking as a leaf and softly sobbing. Violet wished he could tear the other pirates into ground meat with a cat. He had to take a cleansing breath before he could speak again.

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