Chapter Three

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Betsy turned her way around the cabin slowly. Why, 'twas lovely, all golden and polished, comfortable, and blessing of all blessings, clean.

The wood surrounding them was polished to a glossy sheen, ceiling to floor, it completely covered the perimeter of the room. This cabin was much larger than any she had previously occupied, on the Seahawk, or even aboard the Green Eyed Lady. The other cabins she had been assigned to, had been serviceable, this was absolutely wonderful.

There was a window open to the bay, she could see the shore, and she could hear the boys above them shouting on the top deck. An oversized, stuffed chair and a small table occupied the corner to the left side of the window. However, it was the window seat itself that called to Betsy. She hoped Vi liked the chair best, as the pillows and cushions in front of the window looked very inviting.

To the right of the window was a fine, simple, square, wooden table. It was pushed into the corner and accompanied by two leather upholstered chairs. To Betsy's immediate right was Vi's desk. A side table against the far wall held charts, maps, and navigational tools. It seemed to be where he kept his 'tools of the trade', as his weapons were displayed on the walls behind his desk and the table. He had quite an array of pistols, some small enough to hold in your palm, four big horse pistols, also a few fancy ones, which she would like to get a better look at later. However, it was his swords that were most impressive.

Beautifully crafted and polished until they shone, there were four of them, two were jeweled at the hilt and the other two were just intimidating. She was awed just looking at them. He also had a small collection of rapiers, these too, were beautiful to look at. Fragile looking pieces, spun metal hilts encrusted with jewels, holding thin, pointed blades. Betsy wondered if Vi would teach her to wield one if she asked. Next was an array of knives. She had never seen so many weapons in one place together before. It was quite an impressive collection. It also served to remind her that her husband was a pirate. She looked at him, finally, as she finished her assessment of the room.

He was crouched on the floor to her left, looking in a trunk that sat close to the wall. She wondered what he was looking for.


Vi let her acquaint herself with her surroundings as he pulled a trunk away from the wall. He lifted the lid and crouched down before he started moving things around. He found a pair of his old breeches and pulled them out. They were almost identical to the ones he now wore, as his mother had made both pair. He had retired these a few years ago when they had grown thin in the inseam, but he had held onto them for the same reason he kept all his old clothes. He oftentimes came across some poor soul who needed to replace their own threadbare clothing. Violet could never stand to see someone in rags if he could help them out a bit.

He stood and turned to her, the breeches in his hand, and held them out. "You may try to make these fit, if it pleases you, Kitten." He smiled at her, as he realized this was the second time she had asked him for something, and he found that he was happy to provide whatever it was she wanted. It felt good to put someone else's wants before his own. He found that he liked caring for her.

She walked the few steps to him, taking the breeches in hand, she held them up in front of herself. She could make them work. She nodded and folded them, setting them across her arm, she stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. "Thank You." She purred into his ear. He felt the subtle change in his body, that her nearness brought to life.

Then she took a step back. "Would you happen to have a needle and thread?" She asked him, as she walked over and sat the folded item on the window seat. There should be enough light left this afternoon to sew by, if she started soon enough.

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