Forty Three Part Four

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"Gabriel, dear, you do know you shall have to come out of there eventually." Lady Eleanor cajoled. 

"I am a fine where I am, woman, you should count yourself fortunate that I am here at all." Gabriel replied dryly from his position behind a large leafed, potted plant.

"You cannot mean to stay there the entire evening." Eleanor attempted to hide her amusement as she adjusted his laurel leaf crown. "Caesar would not have been one to hide in the bushes." 

Gabriel grumbled under his breath. He had not liked the idea in the first place, even before he knew every gust of cool air would travel up his toga to freeze his... nether regions. "I am not hiding!" The elderly duke insisted. "I am doing my utmost to avoid the drafts every time one of those damned doors opens." Gabriel glared towards the doors that led to the gardens, whoever had thought 'twas a fine idea to have the indoors meld into the outdoors had not accounted for his sparse costume. 

"Dancing would serve to warm you, you know." Eleanor attempted to wheedle a dance out of him, knowing he was simply being ornery in retaliation for having to wear the sheet.

"Pffft." Gabriel's disbelief was evident, his nose wrinkled in annoyance as he held his arms about himself tightly. "Not if it means dancing in front of those damned doors!" Gabriel shivered in his toga, feeling quite the fool for letting Ellie talk him into this.

"'Tis not my fault you insisted wanting to get me between the sheets, you inspired the idea, you know." Eleanor teased her aging courtier. "I guess I shall have to make myself available to another partner." Eleanor's eyes began to wander around the room as Gabriel snorted at her. She noticed many guests had arrived already, though the King had yet to make an appearance. The dancing had begun, the servants were making the rounds with trays of sparkling wine, while Eleanor wondered when her brother, and Kathleen, the guest of honor, would arrive. She found herself curious as to what the duke and duchess's costumes would be.

"When did good brandy cease to be the fashion?" Gabriel grumbled from behind Eleanor. He was of the opinion a nice brandy may warm him some. "That chilled wine is for the birds." He insisted.

"'Tis good then that there are several birds about to enjoy it." Eleanor continued to assess the costumes that were being flaunted about the ballroom. "If I were to fetch you a brandy, you old curmudgeon, would you then consent to dance afterwards?" Eleanor looked to him hopefully.

"Make it a healthy one, and you have yourself a partner." Gabriel gave in to her demands to get what he wanted. Not only would the brandy warm him, he thought, but it may serve to help him accept his lot with a bit more humor.  

"I shall return then. If I am not delayed by some gallant suitor, that is." Eleanor replied flippantly.

Gabriel glared his displeasure. As Eleanor turned to leave him, the duke took her hand firmly in his before she could go. Pulling her to him, his sheet met hers. His lips dipped to her shoulder, as he murmured his pleasure at having her dressed so, even as he rued his part in this charade. "You have a gallant suitor, ye scantily clad wench, do not make me additionally sorry that I gave in to your demands to dress me this evening." He dared to nip at her shoulder. "If this is what you call being dressed." Gabriel let her go as he looked down at his toga in disgust. 

"Gallant, my..." Eleanor bit her tongue and smiled a saccharine smile, deciding to employ tact instead, "You look very regal, my lord, if you would come out from behind the hedges, that is." She kept up their banter, truly enjoying herself more than she had in a good many years. 

Aye, there were some who would say their budding romance was scandalous. However, they both were so high up the ladder socially, none would dare to speak a word against them. Eleanor, herself, would have been appalled at the notion a good many years ago. Even though she had been Penny's senior by a few years, her best friend's father would not have been someone Ellie would have ever deigned to set her sights for. He, however, did not care a whit what society thought, and truth be told, at her present age, Eleanor did not give a fig, either.

"Regal, my arse, ridiculous is more like it." Gabriel grumbled as he peered between the leaves to see if any others were dressed as scantily as he was.

"Oh posh, ye old goat," Eleanor whispered as she set her hand upon the skin of his shoulder, "you had best get used to the idea, as I am off to procure your brandy."

Eleanor's warm, soft hand trailed across his skin for a scant second, leaving Gabriel to raise his brows and wonder if this was not such a bad arrangement after all. 


I have been given the go ahead to finish, the daughter will work with me and we will get this wrapped up with pretty paper, satiny ribbons, and a few garish bows, lol. 

You, my readers, are the very best, I shall try to reward your patience by ending it well. As always, may the Lord bless you all abundantly and may you know my humblest gratitude for your loyalty to my tale.

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