Chapter 12

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"No," Taiya gasped.

"You have to act," Kenna said tugging on her arm. "You can't let them know what you're thinking. Taiya!" she hissed. "You need to focus, act strong." Taiya nodded and pushed the fear down. Everyone was watching her, her competition would use footage of her to determine her threat level. She had to be confident. She took a deep breath, pushed her shoulders back, puffed out her chest and smirked. Taiya stepped out of her section and made her way to the stage flanked by Peacekeepers. She was careful not to look over at the victor's, all of whom she could feel staring at her. If she looked, she'd break.

Taiya smiled at Moxie as she came to stand next to her. "And now for the boys," Moxie announced as she walked over to the bowl and drew a name. "Maverick Lakewell."

"I volunteer," a male voice immediately called out and Taiya's eye's widened. "I volunteer," he repeated as he stepped out of the crowd and walked up the stage.

"Wha... a... a volunteer," Moxie cried out, unable to handle the unusual occurrence. "And what is your name dear?" she asked as he reached the stage.

"Theo Cresta," he replied and Taiya clenched her fists behind her back.

"Very well, our two tribute's from District 4, Taiya Ambersnow, and Theo Cresta," she claps.

The new mayor of District 4 then steps forward and Taiya glares at him, he would never compare to her dad. The mayor read out the dreary Treaty of Treason and then motioned for Taiya and Theo to shake hands. Taiya turned to Theo and held out her hand for him to shake. Theo took hold of her hand and then surprised everyone by pulling her in for a quick hug before releasing her. Taiya turned to look at the crowd through her eyelashes and smiled as the anthem played, the cameras would see everything. The act was on.


Taiya waited inside a room in the Justice Building. It was more formal than Finnick's home, it was quite like the mayor's home with luxurious carpet and velvet chairs. There's an hour available for tributes to say goodbye to loved ones. Who'd come to see her? Who did she have left? Mentor's weren't allowed to visit tributes, they were taken directly to the train, so Finnick couldn't come to see her. Theo was stuck in the next room, no doubt with his family around him, she was alone.

Taiya's legs began to wobble and she shakily lowered herself down onto one of the chairs. She couldn't cry, there'd be cameras at the train station and she couldn't appear weak. As soon as she sat down, the door to the room flew open.

"You came!" Taiya gasped as Mags came into the room. She immediately stood up and moved towards the older lady, pulling her in for a hug. "I didn't think anyone would come." As soon as she pulled away she heard yelling coming from outside. "What's happening?"

"Todd and Buck are trying to get Finnick on the train," she explained as she brushed through Taiya's hair. "He's not going calmly."

"Is he ok?" Taiya asked and Mags nodded.

"He's not the one I'm worried about right now," she explained and Taiya's face fell. "You can win this sweetheart. I know you can. I've watched you sneak off to training with Tyler for nearly half a year. You're strong now, you've always been smart."

"Mags," she says before pausing. "Theo's with me."

"You know why he volunteered."

"No, I don't," Taiya denied.

"He's going to help you Taiya. Let him."

"I can't," Taiya sniffled. "I can't let him do that."

"You're going to have to."

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