Chapter 1

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They were all gathered in a conference room. Buck and Tyler either side of her for support. Haymitch stood against the wall nervously. Plutarch, Boggs and Coin sat opposite.

Peeta had reacted incredibly violently to seeing Katniss. He very nearly killed her. Wrapped his hands around her throat and tried to squeeze the life out of her. She was currently being kept unconscious so she wasn't overcome with pain.

So it was decided that all rescued victors would need to be assessed to determine their mental state. Peeta was being kept locked away, tied down, and not able to have any visitors.

Mags and Annie had been released with no conditions into the general population.

Johanna was still in the hospital being treated.

Gloss, GLOSS, somehow had been allowed out with only minor restrictions, which irritated Taiya to no end.

She was the last one left.

After Peeta's reaction to Katniss, Tyler and Buck made the hard decision to keep Finnick out of her sight, which was hard news to break to the boy. Sure, Taiya hadn't attacked him when she saw him, but she did have a breakdown.

So they needed to assess her first.

"I promise, her attacking the doctors was just a minor mishap," Tyler tried to explain. "It would have reminded her of coming out of her Games."

"When she killed two doctors," Plutarch twirled his pen around, he was trying to mediate between the two parties.

"Exactly. She didn't know where she was so she was just defending herself. If you let her leave the hospital in our care we'll keep an eye on her. I promise you if she starts acting up, Buck and I will march her straight back to the hospital. Isn't that right Taiya?" Tyler kicked her lightly under the table.

"Um yep," Taiya nodded. "I'll be good."

"She wouldn't hurt a fly," Buck added.

"She injected one nurse with a sedative and concussed another doctor," Boggs frowned, not exactly vibing with the District 4 team's casual attitude.

"I can't believe you guys gave Gloss free roam of the place and not me," Taiya crossed her arms in frustration as she swung back on her chair.

"Don't swing on your chair," Haymitch warned. "I knew a kid who did that once and he fell, broke his neck and died."

Taiya's eyes widened and she immediately lowered her chair back to its normal position. She had no desire to get injured and sent back to the hospital.

"How do I know I can trust you?" Taiya asked people opposite her. "You were in the hovercraft," she pointed at Boggs. "Gloss told me not to trust anyone."

"I understand your confusion," Plutarch smiled gently. "You were disoriented, and because of that, we're willing to look past your outburst. Boggs here is a squad leader, he was in charge of the rescue mission that freed you from the Capitol."

"I still don't know if I trust any of you," Taiya grumbled bitterly.

"Oh come on kid," Buck slapped her shoulder. "Do you trust me?"

Taiya let out a chuckle. "No."

Buck just rolled his eyes. Honestly, he should never have expected a reasonable answer from her.

"Do you trust me?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, of course," Taiya immediately nodded.

"Seriously!" Buck threw his hands in the air.

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