Chapter 10

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It was the whirring of the helicopter that gently roused her.

She could feel an oxygen mask on her face and began to raise her hand to remove it, but before she could lift her hand too far, someone quickly grabbed a hold of it and lay down beside her.

"Keep your eyes closed," Gloss whispered.

"What?" Taiya whispered back. "What's happening?"

"They say they're from District 13."

"Huh?" Taiya's eyes ripped open. How was that possible? 13 had been decimated years ago.

"Close your eyes," Gloss hissed and she immediately obeyed. "I don't trust them. They questioned me when I woke up but wouldn't tell me anything. It's best if you keep your eyes shut until I can work out what's happening."

"Is it just us?"

"No. They got us all out. Johanna, Peeta, Mags and Annie. Mags and Annie are awake. Johanna and Peeta are both in and out of consciousness."

"Mags and Annie?"

"They're ok," Gloss assured. "They don't look like they were touched. Johanna and Peeta though...they're not looking too hot."

"District 13 doesn't exist. It was blown up decades ago."

"I know, that's why I need you to keep your eyes shut. I don't want to get separated. They're waiting for you to come to."

"Where are Jo and Peeta?"

"They got moved to another area pretty soon after they woke up. They're really beaten up. Someone's coming! Stay quiet."

"Hey," a male greeted Gloss. "Any movement from her?"

"No," Gloss snapped back rudely.

"Let us know when she does."

"I already said I would," Gloss retorted.

A scoff was the only response before the man left again.

"She's not awake yet," she heard the man tell someone else. "I thought the gas would have worn off by now."

"It should have," someone else sighed. "How's Odair going to take it if she's not awake by the time we land? He'll lose it."

"Well, how's Katniss going to take it when she sees Peeta? He's a mess."

"They're trying to trick us," Taiya whispered to Gloss.

"What makes you think that?"

"I told you. Finnick is dead. If they're saying he's alive, don't trust them."

"Ok," Gloss squeezed her hand. "Keep quiet, I'm just here. I'll let you know if I think it's safe."

They remained silent for the rest of the two-hour trip. They were being watched too closely by these soldiers to keep conversing.

When they did land, there was a mad flurry of people running onto the hovercraft.

"What are you doing?" Gloss asked.

"We're just going to put you on stretchers so we can take you all down to the hospital to be assessed," a lady answered.

"I'm not leaving her, she's not even awake yet."

"Yes," the lady replied as Taiya was lifted up onto a stretcher. "That's what we're worried about. She's the only one who hasn't woken up yet. We'll need to get her thoroughly checked out. You will need a check-up as well."

"I'm fine, I was healed by the Capitol, nothing bad happened to me. I'm not leaving her side."

"Sir," the lady asserted firmly. "We need to get her assessed, you'll have to wait in a separate area."

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