Chapter 13

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Taiya was sat next to Finnick as Tyler ran them through the reapings from the other districts. "Now you guys are from 4, so that's considered a career district. So that's one option for you, alternatively, you could ally with tributes from outer districts. Or you could go it alone together. Keep in mind the tributes from districts 1 and 2 have a nasty habit of turning against 4 when it gets near the end. But it's your call. You'd definitely be safer with the careers."

"We'll think about it," Theo nodded.

"How does their training compare?" Taiya asked. "Compared to ours."

"A lot more vigorous. The top of the class volunteer each year. It's about pride for them, this is what they train to do. We only train kids in 4 to protect themselves, 1 and 2 train to win," Tyler explained and Taiya nodded nervously. "I've come up with personas for the two of you while you're in the Capitol."

"Personas?" Taiya asked.

"You can't be yourself in the Capitol. The best way to win is to get people to like you. If they like you, they'll sponsor you and you won't starve to death when all you want is some bread. You have to appeal to them. I've got a persona. Finnick has a persona."

"You're charming right? That's your thing?" she asked Finnick and he nodded solemnly. "What about you?" she asked Tyler.

"Vicious," he shrugged. "It worked for me. I was 18 when I won, I could intimidate the competition."

"Ok, so what's the plan for us?" Theo asked.

"You, Theo, need to play up your strength and you need to convince them that you'll do anything to get her home," Tyler said nodding at Taiya who looked away in anger. "They all saw you volunteer and they're going to speculate as to why. It's a fine line because we can't make her look weak either. You both need to be thick as thieves, your personality is based on a desire to protect each other. Taiya..." he says and she looked over at him. "You need to flirt with the public."

"What?" Finnick spat.

"Finnick..." Tyler said warningly. "You know it's our best option. She's a young pretty girl, they'll love it."

"What happens when she wins?" Finnick barbed back. "What happens then?"

"Don't go there."

"Why not?" he snapped standing up in anger before storming out of the room.

Tyler sighed as he watched him leave. "I'll go check on him. But Taiya, you have to flirt with the public. Make them love you. I'll see you two in the morning. You should get some sleep," he suggested before following Finnick.

Taiya frowned after them and looked over at Theo who had a look on his face indicating he wanted to talk. "I'm going to bed," she said quickly standing up. "You good here?"

"Yeah," he nodded disappointedly. "I'm going to watch the reapings again," he said reaching over for the remote.

Taiya immediately left the carriage and went into the car with the bedrooms. Tyler and Finnick were keeping something from her and she wanted to know what. As soon as she walked into the carriage, she heard the yelling.

"It's my fault!" Finnick yelled before the sound of smashing came, making Taiya's eyes widen in shock as she plastered herself next to the door.

"It's Snow's fault, not yours," Tyler sighed.

"She got reaped because of my actions. Explain how that isn't my fault?" Finnick roared. Taiya frowned as she took in his words. Reaped because of his actions, what did that mean?

"You couldn't have known this would happen."

"I should've. The last time I said no our parents died. My actions killed them. I thought if I kept her in the house with me she'd be safe, but no. The threat followed her there too. Snow started leaving her flowers and took her on a walk! This isn't ok Tyler."

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