Chapter 5

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"Cashmere and Gloss. Brother and sister. District 1. They won back-to-back games, Capitol favourites. Lots of sponsors, they will be lethal," Haymitch lectured as he paced in front of the screen.

"From 2, Brutus and Enobaria," he clicked his remote.

"What's with her teeth?" Katniss scowled.

"She had them filed into fangs so she could rip people's throats out," Haymitch smirked.

"She's committed I'll give her that," Peeta joked.

"Wiress and Beetee. Not fighters, but brilliant. And... weird, real tech-savvy. He won his games by electrocuting six tributes at once. The morphings. Masters of camouflage. Basically won their games by hiding until everyone else was dead. Self-medicating ever since, which I applaud. Not a threat," he said and clicked the remote again.

"Finnick Odair right?" Katniss asked as she immediately recognised the next victor.

"Yes," Haymitch nodded. "He won his games at 14, youngest ever. Extremely humble."

"You're kidding," Katniss scoffed.

"Yes, I'm kidding. He's a peacock," Haymitch said flipping his hair, "a total preener. But he's the Capitol darling, they love him here. Charming, smart and very skilled in combat, especially in water."

"What about weaknesses?" Peeta asked.

"One," Haymitch nodded as he clicked the remote and a female tribute from District 4 appeared, "Taiya, she volunteered for Annie," he said as they watched Taiya volunteer for the distraught girl who'd just been reaped whilst ignoring the tugging on her sleeve from the elderly lady beside her. She turned to quickly speak to the older lady before walking over to hug Finnick. "They've been best friends since they were children. She moved in with him at 16 after their parents died in a boating accident, and got reaped the same year. She's also a Capitol darling. You'd be hard-pressed to find someone here who doesn't like her. She's an expert in manipulating the affections of the Capitol people, so she'll have no worries getting them both enough sponsors to survive without any concern. Trust me, those two will just about clean up all the sponsors. She set the record in her Games for the most sponsors ever. If he's trying to protect her in any way it exposes him, not that she needs it, the girl is absolutely lethal. Do not underestimate her."

"Well she wasn't all that pleasant," Katniss mumbled. "They'll be on their own right? They won't want any allies."

"She's actually a very lovely young lady, friends with just about every victor there is, she'll be last on their kill list," Haymitch warned. "I'm serious Katniss, do not cross them. They'd both kill and die for each other without hesitation. Finnick and Taiya have kept up with their training more than any other tribute. They will be lethal. You should be nice to her, she's the reason you're still alive."

"What?" Katniss asked confusedly.

"Oh so now you're interested," Haymitch smirked. "She got the funding for your burn cream. Without that, you would've been stuck in the tree until Cato got you. Let's keep more of an open mind, shall we?" he asked as he clicked to the next slide.


"I'm sorry, ok?" Taiya apologised again as tears fell down her cheek.

"You're sorry? You're sorry?" Finnick paced angrily. "Dammit Taiya! You know how this feels! Why would you do this? I just can't understand," he tugged his hair. "No volunteering. We all agreed. Why did you have to do this."

"This isn't helping," Tyler interrupted as he came and stood in between them. "Look you two have to drop this. There's no point crying, there's no point being angry. It won't save you. We need to focus on a plan now."

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