Chapter 10

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"Why are boys from 4 so stupid!" Taiya roared as she swiped her arm across the table, sending the bowl of fruit flying across the room.

"Calm her down," Tyler instructed Finnick firmly.

"What am I meant to do?" Finnick asked, both he and Tyler were standing against the edge of the train, trying to avoid getting in her way. "There's no ocean to throw her into."

Tyler's eyebrows raised and he and Finnick both turned back to Taiya before darting forward and grabbing her, dragging her out of the dining room and into her room. Tyler dashed forward and turned on the shower and the two men pulled her under the stream until she stopped yelling. She was now just slumped against Finnick's chest, letting him hold her.

"Why did he do that?" she sobbed.

All three of them looked towards the doorway. They could hear Moxie giving the tributes a tour.

"They're here," Tyler pointed out. "I guess we could just ask him," he suggested, giving the girl a small smile as he rubbed her cheek and left the room.

"Here," Finnick said quietly as he handed her a towel. "Are you in control?"

Taiya nodded as she quickly ran the towel over her hair. "I want to talk to him."

"Don't yell," Finnick warned. "It won't achieve anything."

"I won't," Taiya agreed. "But I want to."

"Come on," Finnick grabbed her hand. "They'll be waiting."

Taiya solemnly followed him towards the dining room, quickly dropping his hand before entering, to prevent Moxie from seeing them.

"Hey," Shark greeted, quickly standing up from the table. "Did you swim?" he asked as he took in her wet clothes.

"Had a shower," she replied numbly.

"In your clothes?" he asked with a small smirk, trying to banter with her as usual.

"Sit down," she instructed firmly, as she walked forward and took a seat opposite him.

"How exciting is this!" Moxie clapped. "Such a family affair the games are for you, aren't they Taiya?" she innocently asked.

"Moxie," Tyler warned, lightly tapping the woman on the hand.

"Why did you volunteer?" Taiya asked her cousin immediately.

Shark opened his mouth before he looked to the side at Annie, who'd been sitting there staring at the table as she rocked backwards and forwards. She didn't seem to be listening at all.

"She lost her cousin because he volunteered to save you. I'm returning the favour."

"It's not a favour!" Taiya gasped incredulously. "This your life."

"That was different circumstances as well kid," Finnick sighed.

"I know," Shark agreed. "But I can't let that family lose her as well."

"What about our family?" Taiya sighed.

"I said goodbye to my parents already," Shark shrugged, trying to be nonchalant, but Taiya could see his eyes, he wasn't as emotionless about this as he wanted to appear.

"You alright Annie?" Taiya asked softly and the girl jumped before nodding.

This was Theo's cousin. His only cousin. How was she meant to watch this girl die? But if she lived, Shark died.


"It's different for us you know," Taiya explained when out at dinner with Seneca. "You don't really experience it as we do."

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