Chapter 3

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"Hey, there you are," Seneca greeted Taiya as she exited the doorway and walked back into the party.

"Hmm? Oh hey," she greeted nervously, looking everywhere but at his face.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine," she nodded, slowly looking up to meet his eyes. As she did, she caught sight of Finnick staring at her from across the party. Her eyes immediately left Seneca as she stared back.

Seneca followed her line of sight and frowned when he looked at Finnick. "Do you want to go hang out with your friend for a bit?" he asked.

"Oh, no," she laughed as she looked back at Seneca. "No. I want to hang out with you," she smiled. "Come on, show me some fancy Capitol drinks. I've only had champagne since I've been here." She hesitantly took hold of his hand and began walking over to the drinks table. As she looked back at him she noticed him smiling widely. "Ok," she said letting go of his hand and holding onto his upper arm. "What would you recommend?"

"Well," Seneca said confidently as he stepped forward. "I think you've got to try a fruity drink. It's sweet. Like you," he joked.

Taiya let out a scoffing laugh. "Cheesy. I like it," she nodded and he handed her a drink.

"It's berry flavoured," he told her.

"Oh, I love berries! Mags, she's a previous victor in 4, she has this beautiful garden of fruit and she's got some berry plants and oh my goodness they're phenomenal."

"Fresh berries always are," he agreed as she tried her drink. "Like it?"

"Love it!" she nodded. "Wow, we need these in 4! They'd be a hit. Everyone would be drunk all the time," she laughed.

Taiya's eyes flicked around the room and she nervously tried to seek out Tyler.

As she looked around she felt an arm loop through hers and she jumped and looked over to see the victor from 1, Cashmere smirking at Seneca.

"Mind if we borrow the newest victor?" She asked in a sultry voice.

Seneca looked at Taiya who nodded gently to him. Seneca dipped his head politely in acknowledgement before turning and walking back to the drinks table.

Spinning around, Cashmere walked her over to her brother who was waiting in the corner, dragging Taiya along with her.

"Urgh I thought that Crane boy wouldn't ever leave you alone," Cashmere groaned. "He jumped on you as soon as you came out of the door. You're welcome for the save by the way."

"He was ok," Taiya said nervously rubbing her arm.

"Oh please. Capitol people are never nice. Not unless they want something. You'll find out soon enough," she muttered bitterly.

Taiya immediately tensed up. So they were involved with Snow as well. Not even the victors from the glorified District 1 were spared.

"Dammit," Gloss groaned as he noticed her body language. "He got to you early."

"Pardon?" Taiya asked confused.

"You were meeting with him just then weren't you? That's why you were inside," Gloss guessed.

"I already knew about it," Taiya muttered. "Finnick told me."

"That kid needs to keep his mouth shut before he gets in more trouble," Gloss shook his head disapprovingly as he swallowed the rest of his drink.

"I don't have to do... that."

Gloss and Cashmere both looked over at Taiya in confusion.

"You don't?" Gloss asked and Taiya shook her head.

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