Chapter 8

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"Wow, and you look fantastic," Finnick smiled as he entered her room.

"Thank you," she blushed as she straightened her dress and turned to look at him. "You look very dapper Mr Odair," she smirked as she walked up to him and flung her arms around his neck.

"We're on the train tonight. Home in the morning."

"I can't wait," she smiled up at him, leaning up to kiss him.

"And I have no jobs tonight, so I can relax a bit more."

"I just want to talk to our newest victor. Don't really feel like dealing with Capitol people," Taiya sighed.

"Speaking off, Tyler told me you had a conversation with her in the elevator. Why didn't you tell me? You could've gotten in trouble for that."

"I didn't say anything bad," Taiya defended. "I just said I thought she'd win."

"No faith in our own tributes?"

Taiya looked down. "Honesty I tried not to pay them any attention. I can't help them. It hurts less not to notice them."

"She seems like she's going to get herself into trouble. Just be careful alright?"

"I'm not going to jeopardise anything. But, Finn, she looks like she could do with a friend."

"I know," Finnick agreed, taking ahold of her hands. "But we can't save everyone ok. Just please be careful ok? We've got a good balance. Well, I mean obviously not good... but it's working."

Taiya nodded before changing the subject. "First thing I'm doing when we get home, swimming. I miss the beach."

"Agreed," Finnick smiled as he turned to her mirror to fix his tie. "Go for a swim, see Mags, then make out on the couch. That's our to-do list," he said with a wink.


"Are you sure you want to talk to this girl?" Cashmere asked sceptically. "I said hello and she told me to get lost."

"She's angry isn't she," Taiya smirked.

"Yeah, so why would you want to be her friend?"

"I'm angry too," Taiya pointed out and Cashmere snorted.

"Yeah right.

"We're all good at acting, Cash. I like you, but you and I only see each other in public. When we're both acting, we can't stop and be ourselves because when we're together, someone's always watching. She'll scare people away, they'll avoid her. I just want someone that I can talk with at these parties and not have to act."

"That's dangerous Taiya," Cashmere warned. "Besides, what makes you think she won't fall in line as well?"

"She's not the type," Taiya shrugged. "And she's going to need a friend."

"Fine," Cashmere sighed. "I'll distract your lover boy. But keep an eye out, I don't know how long he'll entertain my rambling without you around."

"I owe you! Thank you," Taiya smiled before darting off to the surly new victor. Johanna was standing by the bar, she'd scared off everyone else. "I'll have what she's having," Taiya said to the bartender.

"You," Johanna noted shortly.

"Me," Taiya winked as she picked up her drink before looking at it.

"Tequila," Johanna smirked. "Come on, drink up."

Johanna raised her glass in the air, and Taiya held hers up in response before she threw back the shot. Taiya immediately burst out in a coughing fit that made Johanna laugh.

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