Chapter 10

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20 Years Ago

"Tyler! Tyler!"

He was home. Her voice meant home.


His victory tour had been going fine. He'd given his speeches, he'd shaken the hand of every District mayor with a beaming smile.

It had all been going fine until he got to the Capitol party. Until Snow pulled him aside for a little chat.

The elderly woman working as their District escort was trying to signal Tyler to wave to the crowd waiting for him.

His whole District had shown up to support his return. But he was not in the mood for celebration. He just wanted to hold his Aila.

Grave consequences.

Who knew what that'd mean? Would Snow refuse to provide Tyler with his yearly winnings? It'd be hard to get by, but he'd manage. He couldn't bear the alternative.

But he could see her face in the crowd. Smiling up at him, waving enthusiastically. She was just as happy to see him as he was to see her it seemed.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back to District 4, the winner of the 55th Hunger Games, Tyler Silvergaze," the mayor applauded.

He was a decent man this new mayor. Young, which was nice for a change. The past mayors had been old and unwilling to get out and about in the town to visit the fishing villages, the poorer parts.

This mayor was young and spritely and seemed to genuinely enjoy getting out amongst the people and shaking everyone's hands.

He had a young family. His wife Azalea, and their 4-year-old daughter.

Tyler glanced back at Azalea and the young girl. The kid looked absolutely bored, clinging onto her mother's skirt as she rested her face against her leg.

When Azalea noticed Tyler watching them, she quickly tapped her daughter's shoulder, and the kid sprung into action and stood up straight.

"Tyler, Tyler," the mayor summed the victor forward to wave to the crowd. "We're going to get in those cars over there," he pointed out. "All the prep for the dinner tonight will take place at my house."

"What?" Tyler's eyes widened. He wanted to go see Aila. He knew he had to go to the mayor's for dinner, but he thought he'd have time to himself between now and then.

"It'll be fine," the mayor assured, misunderstanding what he was worried about. "I mean, it's fancy dress, but you don't have to worry. It's just the Capitol escorts, victors and my wife and I."

"I just uh..." Tyler trailed off as he looked over at Aila in the crowd. He did not want to offend the mayor, that wouldn't work out well for him, but he was just so desperate to see Aila.

Caspian followed his eyeline. "Oh," he put two and two together. "Is she your girlfriend?"

"Yeah," Tyler nodded.

"I tell you what," Caspian pulled him towards the car. "You get in the car with me, open the door, and leave the other side. No one will see. I'll tell Mags you're ok. Go and see your girlfriend, and then come in the back door to my place by 4 pm."

"Really?" Tyler's eyes widened.

"Yeah, go for it, kid. You've been away for two weeks. You deserve it."

"Thank you," Tyler breathed already imagining his reunion with Aila. He could get there before her and surprise her before she got back home.


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