Chapter 2

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She'd done nothing for another two days. No one spoke to her. She'd called out, she'd pleaded, but she was ignored. The nurses didn't even look directly at her.

All she'd been able to do was watch as they continued to pump sedatives into Peeta, keeping him asleep and her alone.

It was after these two days that Snow returned.

"Please," Taiya's voice shook as soon as he sat down. "Please take these off," she begged, gesturing to the cuffs that kept her tied to the bed.

Snow watched her for a moment before he nodded at a nearby nurse and she rushed forward to remove the cuffs from Taiya's limbs.

"Thank you," Taiya rubbed at her wrists before she sat up in bed and looked nervously over at Snow. What could he want now?

"Miss Ambersnow," Snow smiled at her. "I've brought you a change of clothes," he gestured to an avox who lay a white dress down on a chair in front of Taiya. "Nothing says perfection like white," he continued to smile at her.

"A dress?" Taiya reached out to touch the silky material.

"It will suit you quite nicely."

"Why do I need a dress?" Taiya asked nervously.

"I have a problem," Snow leaned forward. "And I believe you can help me. You're officially being reassigned, my dear."

Taiya's heart stopped.

"No," she breathed.

"Yes," Snow nodded. "Although this one will be different," he smiled. "A Capitol citizen has started asking questions. Questions I don't want to be asked. But his death would be hard to play off as inconspicuous for the moment, it's not the right time. He's easily distracted and the allure of you should keep him occupied for a while. He's already purchased the company of a companion of yours. And now he's purchased you, my dear Miss Ambersnow."

Taiya shook her head rapidly. "No. I won't do it," she refused, her hands shaking violently.

"You will," Snow leaned back in his seat to look at Peeta before he tapped the boy's leg. "You have people relying on you," he threatened. "Don't end up alone like your friend from 7," he threatened before standing up. "You leave in an hour."


Taiya couldn't stop the short raspy breaths that shook through her chest as the Peacekeepers escorted her to her buyer's apartment.

She'd been done up by a new hair and makeup team and looked as good as new in her white dress. She'd been injected in her ankle with a strong painkiller so she could walk on it. The Capitol doctors had declined to heal it fully. It'd be harder for her to attack anyone when she could barely walk.

The elevator doors opened and Taiya stumbled out after being pushed by a Peacekeeper. She'd never been in this building before, but it screamed money. She was prodded by the Peacekeeper one more time before she continued walking. There was only one door on this floor.

One Peacekeeper stepped forward to knock before returning to his position behind her.

Taiya could hear the footsteps behind the door. With every step, her fear grew stronger.

The door slowly opened to reveal someone who immediately turned that fear into rage.

Romulus Crane.

It took everything in her not to attack him in front of the Peacekeepers, but she knew she'd have a better chance when they were alone and there were no Peacekeepers to stop her.

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