Chapter 18

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Tigris doesn't enter until the prep team has finished

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Tigris doesn't enter until the prep team has finished. They've spent the majority of the day making every inch of Taiya's skin glow. Phoenix has loosely braided some of Taiya's hair and stuck pearl clips in each part of the braided sections whilst Pippa has done her makeup with pearl embellishments around her eyes.

Tigris enters the room and slinks around Taiya silently before coming to stand in front of her and nods. "You've done well," she hisses towards Pippa and Phoenix who jump for joy. Wordlessly, Tigris ushers the prep team over and they slip the dress she's designed onto Taiya. It's a stunning sky blue gown, strapless with long sheer sleeves and pearls around the necklace. Pippa grabs Taiya's foot to place her clear heels on and Taiya quickly grabs onto the wall to stabilise herself. After they've finished Tigris steps back and smiles proudly.

"Can I look in the mirror?" Taiya asks and Tigris nods, allowing Taiya to turn around and look in the mirror behind her. Her eyes instantly widen. "Wow," she breathed. "Tigris, thank you! This looks incredible," she gushes as she turns around with a wide smile.

Tigris looks shocked at the compliment and smiles back. "Thank you," she nods her head.

Taiya turns back to the mirror again and swishes the skirt around, giggling as it shimmers. She looks like a princess.

"Practice walking," Tigris instructs. Taiya lifts the hem of the skirt and walks forward a few paces with ease as Pippa and Phoenix giggle and clap. "Time to go," she interrupted before looking up at Taiya's nervous face. Tigris sighed and walked up to the girl, straightening out the dress. "You'll be fine," she promised. "Caesar makes it easy to talk."

"Thank you," Taiya smiled at her before they left the room and met up with the rest of the team by the elevators. Taiya quickly looked around to notice Finnick missing and her smile fell as she realised where he must be.

"Oh, my dear!" Moxie squeaks. "You look simply delightful! Doesn't she look delightful Tyler!"

"She looks great," Tyler nods.

"Can I talk to you quickly?" Taiya asks him and he nods as they move to the side.

"Make it quick!" Moxie warns.

"I'm sorry for snapping yesterday," Taiya apologised. "That wasn't called for, that wasn't me."

"You're fine Taiya," he assured. "I understand. I pushed you when I could tell you were upset and that wasn't right. You'll be good up there tonight, ok? I promise."

"Thanks, Tyler," she smiles.


"Look at you Four," Marcus nods as Taiya and Theo reach their positions backstage.

"You're looking pretty dapper yourself, Two," she nods back.

Cotton looks over and glares at them before turning back around. As soon as she's not looking, Marcus pulls a face that makes Taiya giggle.

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