Chapter 9

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1 year later

In an effort to find more ways to interact with each other at Capitol parties, Finnick and Taiya had created a game of pulling faces across the room at each other until one of them got caught. It was very mild entertainment that was constantly mocked by Johanna, but it was a small glimmer of entertainment that would make the draining nights go slightly faster.

"What are you doing?" Seneca asked as he squeezed her waist slightly. She'd lost.

"Nothing," she smiled at him. "What were you saying?" she asked as she turned back to him and his brother Romulus.

Seneca Crane was an enigma, one neither she nor Finnick could figure out.

It was the 69th Hunger Games Victory Tour Party in the Capitol. They'd been 'dating' for around 2 years now. And as false as it may be in Taiya's mind, it was very much real for Seneca. And yet he had made no move on her past fairly innocent kissing. She - and Finnick - had been forced to visit the Capitol frequently throughout the year, even when the Games were not on. These trips were mainly for Taiya to visit Seneca, but Snow had allowed Finnick to come to support her, in order to keep them on his side. However, he had not hesitated to monetise Finnick's presence at the same time.

Every time she and Seneca had been out - whether that was to some Capitol party, or even dinner - Seneca had walked her home each time and left her at the door to the Tribute Centre. There was no move to accompany her upstairs, nor to bring her back to his place. But she wasn't naive to the fact that it was on his mind. Perhaps he knew it wasn't on her mind, or maybe he was uncommonly gentlemanly. But Taiya could confidently say the two of them had developed a good kinship, although platonic on her side. She was equally as fond of his brother, Romulus. Both had been raised in a Capitol environment, but seemed to defy the obnoxious stereotype... well Seneca's beard was the exception.

"We were saying how District 4 were nearly impressive. I mean 2 wins in the decade, it's not bad, but three would've been impressive," Romulus teased.

"Hey, you just wait. Maybe the 70th Hunger Games is our year," Taiya smiled.

"Miss Ambersnow, the President requests an audience," a presidential aide interrupted as he walked up to the group.

"Ok," Taiya nodded nervously. "I'll be back later," she said as she released Seneca and followed the aid. The aid seemed to deliberately go out of the way to walk past Finnick, making sure his attention was captured. Finnick knew where she was going. The dread on his face was evident.


"No," Taiya rudely interrupted. "Not a chance."

"I'm going to have to urge you to reconsider Miss Ambersnow. You know the kind of outcome your decisions can have," President Snow warned.

Taiya leaned forward in her chair. "I said no. Finnick and I have both sacrificed a lot of happiness to play your game. But I will not marry him. The only person I would ever consider marrying is my partner. Not your Capitol pawn," she hissed as she stood up. "You won't change my mind on that, this is too far. I am in love with Finnick. Not Seneca. Thank you for your time," she snapped as she stormed out of his office furiously.

He'd taken it too far. She would play his game while she was in the Capitol so long as she could live her own life back home. Marrying Seneca would tie her to the Capitol permanently. Away from Finnick permanently. And that wasn't negotiable.

"Jo!" she yelled as she spotted her friend after storming out of the Presidential Mansion.

Johanna's eyes widened as she noticed where Taiya came from and she ran up to her. "Are you ok?"

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