Chapter 15

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"You know Finnick used to think you were plotting to kill me."

"God, talk about paranoid," Cashmere snorted as she sipped her glass of wine.

"Sometimes," Taiya agreed.

"What do you see in Mr Surly anyway?" Cashmere asked as she rolled onto her side to look at Taiya. Cashmere and Gloss were sprawled across the floor in Gloss's room whilst Taiya was hanging upside down off the side of the bed.

"Well Mr Surly is non-existent back home," Taiya explained. "He's Mr Sexy Beach Chick."

"Sexy Beach Chick?" Gloss laughed as he looked at her.

"I said what I said."

"I'm sure he'd love to know you're calling him Beach Chick behind his back," Cashmere smirked.

"Well... in all honesty I don't think he'd hate it."

"And that's who you want to marry?" Gloss asked her.

"Alright. Instead of bullying me for my life choices why don't you look at yourselves hmm?" Taiya challenged.

"We're doing alright," Cashmere shrugged dismissively. "How's life for you Gloss?"

"No complaints. It's currently a Tuesday night and I'm drinking wine in my room with two of the most beloved victors. In most of Panem's minds, this is peak living."

"We are fantastic. Aren't we Cash?" Taiya flipped over and held her hand up for Cashmere to high-five.

"Cheers to that," she agreed. "In all honesty though, we're super happy for you. With the engagement."

"Each year Cashmere and I place bets on if you would get engaged," Gloss confessed.

"Yeah we knew," Taiya rolled her eyes. "You guys aren't subtle. Not suspicious at all that you would come up to us, ask if he'd popped the question yet and then exchange money. Not suspicious in the slightest."

"Gloss said you'd be too love-struck to notice."

"Since when do you listen to Gloss?" Taiya snorted.

"I know right? Brothers, they're all idiots," Cashmere punched his shoulder.

"Ok this is meant to be a fun night, not insult my intelligence night," Gloss chugged his drink.

"Oh please, it's always a good time to insult you," Cashmere poked her tongue out and the three of them burst into tipsy laughter.


"GLOSS! No!" Taiya screamed.

As the group turned around to look at Wiress, they were confronted with the sight of her having her throat cut by Gloss.

And the reaction was swift.

Or at least Katniss was swift.

None of the others made any immediate move to stop Gloss.

Killing Gloss wasn't a feasible option for them. If they killed Gloss in defence of Wiress, they risked the whole alliance falling apart.

If Taiya broke away from the group over this, they'd lose Finnick as well. Johanna would likely follow them, not having enough trust in the others to remain.

And with the Careers gunning for Katniss, it was unlikely the girl would be able to defend both herself and Peeta. They'd likely be beaten by the Careers and the plan would be over.

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