Chapter 2

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"Hey bitch!" a familiar voice yelled out. Taiya's smile instantly widened as she spun away from the bar and threw herself at Johanna. "I had to hear the news from your peacock," she said whilst winking at Haymitch. Haymitch never missed an opportunity to call Finnick out on his blatant preening. Johanna was easily influenced to follow in his footsteps.

"So exciting!" Taiya clapped. She looked around and made sure they weren't being closely watched before she reached into the neckline of her dress and pulled out the ring she'd threaded on a chain.

"Yesss," Johanna drawled. "I approve. He did well."

"He had help," Taiya smiled.

"He said he was worried you'd say no."

"In what world would Taiya Ambersnow say no to Finnick Odair," Haymitch snorted.

"Our friend from home got in his head," Taiya explained. "Told him I'd say no. Turns out he's very susceptible to psychological torture. And she's a big fan. He's an easy target. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's kind of mean."

"Are you ready?" Haymitch asked Taiya as he noticed Katniss and Peeta were ready to greet the next Capitol person.

"Yeah, I'll go get him," Taiya sighed.

"What's happening?" Johanna asked.

"Romulus wants to meet our newest victors."

"Urgh," Johanna groaned as she grabbed a drink. "I thought you were finally done pandering to the Crane's."

"I like Romulus. We're friendly," Taiya defended.

"Sure whatever, I still think he's gross. But the girl from 12, ew, almost just as annoying," Johanna sipped her drink.

"No wonder you two are friends," Haymitch rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I promised I'd have an open mind tonight," Taiya reminded him.

"Yeah, but you're easily led," Haymitch teased. "Anything she says you'll just agree with."

"Rude," Taiya mumbled.

"Accurate," Johanna added.

"Yeah you're probably right," Taiya agreed.

"Exhibit A," Haymitch scoffed. "Go get the Crane boy. I'll bring them to you."

"That didn't help your case," Johanna smirked.

"You set me up," Taiya accused.

"Did not. Go find Romulus."

"Ok," Taiya smiled before walking off. "Dammit," she muttered when she realised she'd gone along with Johanna again.


"Katniss, Peeta, meet Romulus Crane," Haymitch said as he walked up to them. "And of course, you remember Taiya Ambersnow."

"How could I forget," Katniss mumbled bitterly.

"Katniss, Peeta, lovely to see you again," Taiya smiled widely, ignoring Katniss' jab.

"So inspiring!" Romulus burst out saying. "Oh, it touched my heart. The love between you two I can just feel it!" he said excitedly.

Taiya had to try and cover her smile. Katniss, unfortunately, was not an amazing actress, and couldn't hide her disdain. She definitely cared deeply for Peeta, but she most certainly wasn't in love with him.

"What can I say?" Katniss smiled. "We saved each other."

"And your engagement!" Romulus gushed. "So beautiful. And to televise it, you truly spoil us."

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