Chapter 17

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Next chapter... the interviews! I just watched Catching Fire again and I can't wait to write it. I have a lot of ideas I've taken notes of so I don't forget so hopefully we get there soon. But I do want to spend a bit of time developing relationships within the victors between now and the quarter quell. But I'm also very excited and kind of want to get right into it haha!


"Finnick!" Tyler called out as he entered Finnick's bedroom. "Hey, Finnick, I need to talk to you," he said as he knocked on the bathroom door. "I can't find Taiya, she's not in her room. We really don't need a missing tribute on our hands."

Taiya lifted her head from Finnick's shoulder and smiled gently as they stood up and opened the door for Tyler.

"She's fine Tyler," Finnick assured.

Tyler looked between the two of them, observing their tear-streaked faces as he put two and two together. "Oh thank god you told her man," he sighed. "You both need to get cleaned up. If Moxie sees any of this she'll gossip. Let's go kiddo," he said, ushering Taiya out of the room. "Everything makes sense now?" he asked as they entered Taiya's room and she nodded. "He wanted to tell you. We all told him to tell you but he was so scared you wouldn't understand."

"I know," Taiya nodded as she sat down.

Tyler sighed before he sat down next to her. "Are you ok with this?"

"It's horrible Tyler. I just... I don't understand who could do that to someone."

"The Capitol works differently than the districts. They see victors as nothing more than celebrities they can control."

"Like dolls," Taiya suggested and he nodded. "Did you ever have to do it?"

"I'm an orphan so I never really had any family," he answered. "I had a girl though."

"Aila? You told me about her the other month."

"You remember what I said? They wanted me to be a certain type of victor and I said no and then she's shot by peacekeepers?"

"It wasn't an accident," Taiya realised.

"No. That's what Finnick's trying to protect people from. He couldn't save yours or his parents but he can save everyone else. That's the difference about growing up in a community, you have more people you love," he said softly, placing his hand on the back of her head before standing up to leave.

"If I win..." Taiya started.

"Yes," he answered, not needing her to finish. "I don't want to lie to you. You're a beautiful young girl Taiya. With those looks, we can help you survive the arena, you'll attract plenty of sponsors. But then you'll have to survive when you're out as well. That's what they don't prepare you for."


On the third day, they start the private sessions with the Gamemakers. They all get called District by District, first the boys, and then the girls. Everyone sits waiting in silence for their name to be called.

"District 4, Theo Cresta," the announcer called out.

Theo stood up and turned to Taiya, "don't miss your targets."

"Same to you," she smiled before he left.

Taiya looked to her left to look at Cooper from District 10. He was so young. His leg was bouncing up and down to try and contain his nerves. Taiya averted her eyes to look ahead of her. She couldn't afford to feel anything for these other tributes. They'd try to kill her the first chance they got.

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