Chapter 8

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"You sound like a child when you say that."

"You always sound like a child," Taiya glared.

"Well that was witty," Finnick laughed as he tucked some hair behind her ear.

"Well that was witty," Taiya mocked back in a high-pitched voice.

"See, you sound just like a child," Finnick leaned in to peck her lips.

"Not my masterpiece!" Effie gasped, not wanting the makeup she'd just spent time applying to Taiya's face to get ruined. Taiya merely smiled at the woman before she pulled Finnick back in. "Why do I even bother," the woman huffed.

"They're an acquired taste Eff," Haymitch consoled his district's escort. "They grow on you eventually though. Like a fungus."

Taiya released her hold on Finnick and pulled back to glare at the man. Haymitch was waiting for this though, and he merely wiggled his fingers in a wave at her, so Taiya just flipped him off. The fungus comparison had not been appreciated.

"Come on Effie, we have a speech to write for the Mockingjay."

"I even told them Haymitch. Before I put on her lipstick I said this is your last chance."

"I know Eff, they never do as they're told."

"I hate this jumpsuit," Taiya pulled at the collar. Every moment leading up to her filming it seemed to be getting tighter around her throat. Choking her whilst her anxiety grew.

"They're standard. Everyone wears them," President Coin spoke up as she entered the room. Taiya had to fight every instinct to hold in her eye-roll. "No exceptions."

"Don't," Finnick warned quietly. He knew she was going to imitate the President's last sentence, which definitely would not have been appreciated. She was stressed and nervous, which didn't typically lend itself to good decision-making if her past performances were to go by.

"I'm sure I don't need to remind you Miss Ambersnow," President Coin took a seat on the other side of the room. "But you producing a propo we find beneficial to the rebel cause is a requirement if you're going to continue your visits with Mr Mellark."

"If she didn't need to remind me, why'd she say it," Taiya grumbled to Finnick.

"Let's just smile and get through this," he grinned brightly at her, trying to prompt her to do the same. But she just stared blankly at him. "Hmm," Finnick frowned before using his fingers to lift the corner of her mouth into a smile. "Yep, there it is. Stunning as always," he winked.

Taiya couldn't help but giggle as she shoved him off. "You're an idiot."

"And I love you too."

"Finnick," Plutarch waved the boy over. "We're ready when you are Taiya."

"Break a leg!" Finnick encouraged.

"I'll break their legs," Taiya grumbled before marching over to the chair they'd set up for her to do her propo in. She took a seat and glanced over at Finnick who immediately shot her a thumbs up.

His positivity had been almost nauseating all morning, in an attempt to counter Taiya's foul mood. Waiting overnight to film the propo in hindsight had not been a great idea. She'd spent the whole evening and morning worrying about the repercussions of what she might reveal. Most of what she knew she'd gotten from Tigris, and Snow would know the source instantly. She wasn't about to put the woman who'd worked to keep her protected for years in danger.

"Alright, whenever you're ready, just introduce yourself," Cressida smiled.

"Hi, my name's Taiya Ambersnow, the coolest cat in District 4."

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