Chapter 2

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"Ok, that's Gale?" Taiya confirmed as she and Gloss lined up in the queue in the cafeteria.

"Yeah, he's the one sitting next to Boggs," Gloss nodded.

"Oh god he's sitting two seats down from Tyler," Taiya sighed. "We're going to get in trouble."

"No we won't," Gloss shook his head. Taiya could only frown. "It'll just be you getting in trouble."

"You're an ass," Taiya grumbled as they made their way over to the table.

"And action," Gloss whispered to Taiya as he stopped behind Gale.

"Hey Dale," Taiya greeted with a wide smile.

Gale slowly looked up with a frown before it softened on seeing her. He'd been the one to carry her out of her cell in the Capitol. "It's Gale," he corrected.

"Oh god I am so sorry," Taiya gasped in feigned shock. "Gale Cawthorne right?"

"Hawthorne. Gale Hawthorn," he smiled lightly.

"Oh god," she laughed. "What am I like!" she tapped her forehead dramatically. "Gale Hawthorne, I'm so sorry, I swear I'll never forget again!"

"What can I do for you?" he asked, not quite sure why she was talking to him.

"Taiya, come on," Gloss leaned over Boggs, strategically cutting off Tyler's view, who was watching the both of them like a hawk.

"Just wait, Gloss!" Taiya lectured her friend with an eye roll. "Sorry Gale, I just wanted to see if you knew how Katniss was going. I know Peeta hurt her real bad, and I just feel guilty. I knew he wasn't alright and I wish I could have done more to warn her."

Hearing this, Tyler went rigid and he leaned backwards, trying to catch her attention from behind Gloss. Taiya caught his eyes and he widened them dramatically in warning. He knew she didn't feel bad at all. He knew she was up to something.

"She'll be alright," Gale answered, all too happy to discuss the famous girl on fire. "They don't know how damaged her voice will be though. We'll have to wait and see when she wakes up. But she'll survive. She always does."

"Oh, that's such a relief to hear," Taiya sighed dramatically, quickly glancing at Gloss who gave her a quick nod. Mission accomplished. "Well, I'll catch you later Gale, let's go, Gloss," she quickly walked away and around to the other side of the table, taking a seat opposite Tyler. "How's it going Tyler?" she asked the stiff-jawed man.

"Fine," he answered tersely as his eyes flickered between the two smiling friends.

"AH!" Gale exclaimed as he spat out his coffee. "Urgh, that's horrible!" he looked at his mug of coffee in disgust.

"Are you ok?" Taiya asked as she popped a bit of bread in her mouth, refusing to look at Tyler.

"Yeah," he didn't look up from his drink as he stared at it accusingly. "I must be tired or something. I think I put salt in there instead of sugar."

Taiya had to try to contain her snigger as she felt Tyler shove her foot under the table. "It's ok. That happens sometimes. Annie does it all the time."

Taiya did feel bad about using her vulnerable friend like that, but it did have its desired effect on Gale.

"I uh, I think I'm going to head downstairs and practice my shooting," he mumbled as he stood up, picking up his half-eaten tray of food.

"I think I'll come with you," Boggs stood to follow. He thought perhaps Gale was taking Katniss being in the hospital harder than he was letting on. So he probably shouldn't be in the shooting range by himself.

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