Chapter 34

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As soon as the door of the hatch clicked shut, Cressida sprang into action, darting over to Taiya. Peeta had gently laid her down on an old coat in the corner, with both him and Katniss hovering anxiously over her.

"Let me take a look," Cressida swiftly moved Katniss aside, assuming her place by Taiya's side.

"There's a lot of blood," Peeta stammered, lifting the garment he'd been using to apply pressure.

Cressida glanced up at the younger boy. He looked distraught. He and Taiya had escaped the Capitol together, only to find themselves right back run its clutches. "We need to assess the wound," Cressida explained as she began to remove Taiya's bulletproof vest. "What happened to it?" she frowned, as she noticed the strap on one shoulder had been slashed. It had shifted the vest's position, allowing the bullet to strike her. Unbeknownst to Cressida, it had been broken during the chaos with the mutts tunnel when it had been just her and Finnick. Cressida unbuttoned the top of Taiya's uniform and slid it down so she could examine her chest.

Taiya let out a pained groan as Cressida lifted her up. Peeta instantly reached for her hand, his grip tight with worry. "She's responsive," Cressida reassured him. "That's a good sign. Here," she handed him the vials of morphling. "Keep an eye on these. If she starts to wake up more, you need to administer it. Can you do that?"

"Yeah," Peeta nodded, tucking the vials in his pocket.

Cressida lifted her up slightly and looked underneath her. "No exit wound," she observed. Then, her expression shifted to concern as she watched Taiya's chest struggle to rise and fall with each breath.

"What is it?" Peeta asked anxiously.

"Her breaths..." Cressida pressed her hand against Taiya's ribs. "They sound horrible." She leaned in closer, listening intently to Taiya's chest. Her heart was racing; but it seemed the right side of her chest, the injured side, wasn't taking in any air. "Oh no," she realised. She immediately jumped up and raced over to the hatch door, banging on it four times.

Tigris immediately opened it. She'd been waiting just there for an update.

"How close is that doctor?" Cressida demanded urgently.

Tigris' expression darkened; she understood the gravity of the situation. It wasn't looking good. If Cressida wanted to seek out a doctor they couldn't fully trust, it meant Taiya's condition was dire and required immediate attention.

"He's just around the corner. He won't cooperate willingly," Taiya interjected, shaking her head weakly.

"Not a problem," Cressida grabbing her gun. "She has a collapsed lung. We need a doctor to relieve that pressure before it's too late."

"I'll go as well," Gale immediately volunteered.

"You're injured as well," Cressida protested, striding over to him. "You're going to need stitches."

"I'm the one who shot her," Gale shook his head. "Let me help."

Cressida sighed, glancing at Katniss. The girl on fire seemed hesitant, but she nodded in agreement. They needed to make sure this doctor came quietly without attracting the attention of any Peacekeepers that might be around.

"I'll find disguises for you," Tigris offered, scurrying away.

"Let's move," Cressida motioned for Gale to follow as she dashed up the stairs. "We'll be back soon. Peeta," she called over to him, noticing Taiya's flickering eyes. "Give her a vial," she instructed before shutting the hatch behind them.

"Hey," Peeta whispered softly. Taiya struggled to keep her eyes open, but at least she was somewhat conscious.

"What happened?" she managed to ask, her voice strained.

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