Chapter 4

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"Taiya!" Theo called out as she entered school the next day. "Come on Taiya," he groaned as he ran through the crowd of kids to catch up to her. "Taiya," he said placing his hand on her shoulder making her yelp and spin around. "Woah, sorry," he apologised quickly throwing his hands up in surrender.

"It's ok," she sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I was off in my own world."

"I could tell," he said awkwardly. "I just wanted to..."

"I know," she interrupted. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have run out last night. I just got so upset."

"Hey, it's ok," he assured as they walked into the auditorium. "I get it. Emotions are running high."

"I don't want to watch Theo," Taiya whispered, her eyes filling with tears as they sat amongst the rest of the kids who went to their school. The games were starting this morning and it was the law that they watch it in school.

"Me neither," he said looking at her carefully, she was on edge and he didn't want to push her. "He'll make it through today, don't worry."

"Yeah," Taiya nodded as the screen turned on. As soon as it did, she began to shake.

"Here, here, give me your hand," he said reaching over to hold her hand. "Just focus on my touch ok. Just tune out and focus on my hand in yours. Focus on the touch and it'll distract you. Imagine you're at the docks fishing or swimming in the cove ok? Just try and breath."

"They're coming up, they're coming up," everyone in the room began whispering to each other as the tributes arose on their pedestal.

"I'm going to be sick," Taiya moaned as she buried her head into the crook of Theo's neck.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, let the 65th Hunger Games begin - and may the odds be ever in your favour," Claudius Templesmith announced and the countdown from 60 began.

Taiya couldn't watch. She couldn't see Finnick there. After she hyperventilated for an hour, she felt a hand grab hers and looked to her other side to see Kenna take her hand, "look," Kenna said pointing to the screen. Taiya quickly shook her head. "It's ok Taiya," she assured. "The blood bath is over. Finnick's ok. See, he's on screen."

Taiya slowly looked up to see Finnick walking away from the Cornocopia with the tributes from district 1 and 2. He was alive. "He made it," Taiya breathed.

"Yeah and look, he even got a spear," Theo smiled down at her.

Taiya shook her head, "he needs a trident."

"There were none in the Cornocopia, a spear is the next best thing."

"What happened to the girl?" Taiya asked, looking at Kenna for an answer. "Halle?"

Kenna shook her head, "she didn't make it."

"Oh," Taiya said quietly. She turned to look at Theo and whispered to him, "did he have to kill anyone?"

Theo looked at the floor, "yeah," he muttered. "He killed the girl from 5 and the boy from 10."

Taiya nodded nervously. "How many dead?"

"10," he answered.

"Only 14 left," Taiya sighed as she looked back at the screen to see her best friend wading through the marshland with the career pack. "He's with 1 and 2."

"Probably a smart move," Theo shrugged. "They'll go a long way. That boy from 2 is brutal. Come on," he said squeezing her hand. "Blood bath is over, we can go back to yours and watch it now," he said as he helped the shaking girl to her feet. "Thanks, Kenna," he smiled at the brown-haired girl before the two of them left the auditorium.

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