Chapter 24

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"Alright, so the start's easy," Tyler said as they made their way into the Victory Banquet. "You walk in, meet the victors who are in the Capitol at the moment. They're fine. Not much to worry about there, and then we go through to the banquet where you'll have to meet some of your sponsors," he told her and her eyes widened. "Not the ones Finnick helped out with. The ones who came to me, don't worry."

"Won't the victors hate me?" Taiya asked. "I killed some of their tributes."

"No," Finnick shook his head. "Victors have a strict no grudges policy here. We've all been through it. Everyone understands."

"Ok," she nodded before putting on her fake smile. "I can do it."

"That's my girl," Tyler approved before opening the door.

Finnick stepped forward and placed his hand on her back making Taiya pull back quickly. "It's ok," he smiled. "It's just victor's in there, most of them already know. It'll be safe. I promise," he placed his hand on her back as they walked in.

All the victors were standing in a line, waiting to greet her so they could go into the banquet. Taiya made her way down the line shaking everyone's hand. She was in too much of a daze shaking everyone's hand from District 1, all the way to District 11. She barely took anyone in properly until she got to the end of the line.

"Haymitch," she held out her hand nervously.

"Sweetheart," he smiled as he shook her hand. "Glad to see you up and about."

"I had a head injury," she used the cover story.

"No you didn't," he laughed.

"Haymitch helped us monitor you in the Mentor Center when Finnick and I had to talk to sponsors. He knows about the hovercraft," Tyler whispered. "Do you want to stay with her while Finnick and I get the Crane's?" Tyler asked and Haymitch nodded, holding his arm out for her to take.

"Not going to go all murderous on the Capitol guests are you?" he asked with a laugh.

"No," she said quietly. "I've got it under control."

"So, you're Tayla's niece?" he asked and she nodded. "She was a sweet girl. Held my friend's hand while she died."

"Maysilee Donner," she said and he nodded. "My mom made me watch your Games when I was 12."


"Before my first reaping," she elaborated as they walked into the banquet to loud applause from the Capitol citizens. The rest of the victors followed after her and scattered themselves throughout the party. Some huddled in the corners together, some went to the dance floor, others straight to the bar.

As they entered Moxie took her hand, "I've got it from here," she said, trying to tug her away from Haymitch.

"Actually, Haymitch was going to help me get a drink, then I'm all yours," Taiya smiled. She wanted to finish her conversation.

"But that's not how it's done..." Moxie protested.

"I'll bring her back in one piece. Relax a little Rosehorn," Haymitch smirked, steering her towards the bar. "I didn't know Tayla had siblings."

"Yeah, a sister, my mom, and a brother."

"Were you and your family close?" he asked.

"Not at all," she laughed as they arrived at the bar. "The Kelpin family don't really handle trauma that well. I only saw my uncle's family once a year until my mom died. I've seen a bit more of them now. They didn't say goodbye to me at the reaping though."

"So you don't have any family other than them?" he asked and Taiya shook her head. Taiya picked up a glass off the bar nervously and looked at it. "I wouldn't recommend that," he said, taking it off her. "Try this," he handed her a shot glass.

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