Chapter 4

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Taiya was locked in her cell. It was painfully white. White ceiling, white walls, white floor, white bed.

She was staring at the ceiling humming a song to herself when the Peacekeepers burst in.

"Please don't!" Taiya screamed. She fought them as they grabbed her. But she couldn't fight off six of them. They held her down as a nurse raced forward and injected her with a sedative before quickly darting away.

Taiya's struggles only lasted a few more seconds before she drifted off to sleep.

When she came to, she was greeted with her least favourite face. President Snow's.

"You know you could just say, 'Hey Taiya, mind if we catch up'," Taiya groggily mumbled as she tried to focus her eyes.

The President smiled at this. "Miss Ambersnow," he sighed. "Last time I tried that you knocked out two of your nurses. And actions have consequences."

"I thought I was your favourite victor?" Taiya laughed nervously. "Surely I can get a second chance?"

"I am fond of you Miss Ambersnow," Snow admitted. "But I can't be seen to play favourites. I wouldn't tolerate that behaviour from Mr Mellark or Miss Mason. In fact, I can assure you their punishment would have been more severe," he warned.

"How about if I pinky promise to not do it again?" Taiya asked and he merely chuckled in response. Taiya slumped in her seat. She knew he was telling the truth. She'd heard Johanna yelling abuse at her nurses the other day, then she'd heard her screams. As of yet, Taiya had not been hurt, merely left in isolation.

"I have a task for you," he slid a collection of papers across to her.

She reached forward and pulled them towards her and scanned them. "I'm not saying that," she denied immediately, pushing them back to him.

"Miss Ambersnow," he started.

"No," she cut him off. "It's not true. What if Finnick saw me say that? I'm not doing that to him."

"That's precisely my intention Miss Ambersnow."

Taiya glared at him. He wanted to tear Finnick's heart out, and he wanted her to do it for him.

Snow sighed as he studied her face. He couldn't convince her to do this without getting something in return.

"How about we have a compromise?" he relented. "You give this speech and interview to Caesar Flickerman, and I'll allow you to visit your friend."

"Which one?" Taiya's interest had been piqued.

"District 1," he smirked.

She thought about it for a moment before nodding. "Deal."


"Taiya Ambersnow!" Caesar greeted her when he saw her in her makeup chair.

"Caesar!" she greeted just as enthusiastically.

He bounded towards her in excitement only to freeze when he noticed the bruise left on her face by Kenna. The makeup team hadn't gotten to covering it up yet. He didn't know that bruise was delivered by her friend though. But it still make him pause before he continued greeting her.

"We've missed you on my show. It's been awfully dull since you went in the arena."

"Oh how you flatter me," Taiya waved her hand in dismissal.

Caesar leant down and picked up her hand, placing a quick kiss on her knuckles while she laughed.

"Are you ok dear?" he asked quietly, placing a hand on her good cheek. She just nodded. She was physically ok at least.

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