Chapter 1

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"How about this?" Gloss held up an outfit option for Taiya to see.

Taiya huffed as she turned to look at him. "Gloss, don't be a dick," she rolled her eyes before she turned back to the wardrobe and continued rifling through clothes.

"I'm just saying," he persisted, holding the outfit up again. "If you want to sneak out, this is the way to go. No one will see the District 13 uniform and think, oh, there goes Taiya Odair sneaking out. Everyone's heard you complain, no one would think it was you wearing it."

"I'd stick out like a sore thumb in that ridiculous uniform. I'd be the only person in the whole Capitol wearing it. It's just asking to be noticed, we're trying to blend in Gloss. Plus it's way too big."

"Right," he conceded with a sigh as he dropped the ugly boiler suit and walked back to the wardrobe. "You're right; it might be too obvious. Who's room are we even in?" he asked as he looked around.

They'd been scouting out random abandoned bedrooms for the past two days, trying to find outfits they could use as a disguise.

Gloss had hit the jackpot in the first room. Whoever had lived in that room before must've had trouble growing a beard, and also was likely bald. There was a whole collection of fake beards and wigs. Put those on, and Gloss was just about unrecognisable. Taiya was not having the same luck. Everything they'd found was outrageous Capitol party clothes, not a very subtle option, and she was very quickly getting frustrated.

"This is crazy," Taiya pulled out a dress. "This looks like a cupcake, who would wear that," Taiya held up a frilly dress.

"I could go for a cupcake," Gloss mumbled to himself as he walked into the bathroom. "Hey!" he sang as he spotted something in a drawer. "Check it out," he waved a pack of pills in the air. "We found the party room." Taiya walked closer and took the foil packet out of Gloss' hands to read the back.

"They're not party pills," she snorted as she pushed the packet back into his chest.

"What do you mean?" he asked as he read the label. He had no idea what it was.

"Gloss. Those are male birth control pills," she placed her hands on her hips in frustration. Gloss was being particularly annoying this morning.

"Oh," he mumbled as he turned them back around. "Well, hey, they look brand new. Why don't you take them?"


"What? It's a good idea, we don't need any demon spawns running around the Capitol when we have revenge to plan," he waved the packet at her.

"Gloss," she pushed it back. "I don't need them."

"You already have some?"

"No," Taiya glared.

"Female birth control pills?"


"Then take them!"

"I know how not to get pregnant, Gloss!"


"I'm newly married, trust me Gloss, I am not celibate."

"Oh good grief," someone groaned from behind her. Her eyes blew wide open as she slowly turned around to see Buck standing there, shaking his head in despair. "Why is it always me who has to hear this stuff?" he tipped his head up to the ceiling.

"You knew he was there?" Taiya hissed back at Gloss who eagerly nodded with a grin. "I hate you."

"Why can it never be Tyler?" Buck moaned to himself. "He gets to live in blissful ignorance."

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