Chapter 11

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"I'm back I'm back," Taiya huffed as she ran onto the beach where the others had been waiting for her.

"You got what you need?" Finnick asked, grabbing onto her upper arms, confirming she was still ok.

"I'm good I swear," Taiya nodded.

"Ok, we got to go," Finnick's eyes darted around the arena. They were exposed and were no doubt targets because of Katniss and Peeta. They had to get to safety. Finnick pushed Taiya towards the trees where Katniss and Peeta were waiting. He made sure Taiya was in front of them as they ran, Peeta immediately got the message and ran as well. "Katniss, Katniss, go, go, go," Finnick coached, encouraging the girl to get a move on.

Peeta took the lead, followed by Taiya, and then Katniss and Finnick took up the rear. Cannons continued to echo around the arena as more tributes succumbed to the blood bath.

Peeta used his long knife to cut a path for them as the group sprinted through the jungle. They ran through the jungle for about a mile before Finnick called out.

"Ok, hold up, hold up," he yelled from the back, wanting everyone to stop so they could evaluate the arena. "You alright?" he whispered to Taiya as he came to crouch next to her. The whole group had crouched down to stay out of sight of any other passing tributes

"I'm good," Taiya squeezed his hand. "It's freaking hot in here!" she loudly complained. "I don't know why Moxie bothered with my hair it's already ruined with sweat."

"Agreed," Peeta nodded. "God it's hot. We got to find fresh water."

"I'm going to check it out," Katniss announced as she stands up and walks over to a large tree and begins to scale it.

"That's kind of cool," Taiya admitted. She'd seen her tree-climbing skills in last year's Games, but it was still an impressive talent.

"She's always been a good climber," Peeta smiled proudly.

"Maybe she should take it a little easier?" Taiya suggested. "You know, being pregnant and all," she winked at Peeta who chuckled nervously.

Taiya then looked over at Finnick and the couple had a silent conversation. They knew Katniss was going to be able to see the effects of the bloodbath when she looked down over the arena. She was going to see the bodies laying about, the survivors fighting. It was going to rattle her.

They didn't know exactly which version of her would climb down the tree and they had to be prepared.

So Taiya walked over to Peeta and sat down beside him. He was oblivious to Finnick and Taiya's thoughts. But Taiya was sitting next to him as a threat. If Katniss moved against Finnick, she'd move against Peeta.

They may have agreed to Plutarch's plan, but their primary concern was each other.

All three of them looked back up at the tree as they heard Katniss climb down. Taiya subtly pulled a knife out of her belt and turned it nonchalantly in her hand. It wouldn't raise Peeta's suspicions, but she was sure Katniss would see it.

Finnick acted similarly and casually moved his trident into a defensive position. Ready to strike if Katniss pulled her bow out.

"What's going on down there, Katniss?" he asked. "Have they all joined hands? Taken a vow of non-violence? Tossed their weapons into the sea in defiance of the Capitol?"

"No," Katniss retorted, her eyes flickering over to Taiya and her proximity to Peeta.

"No," Finnick smiled as he shook his head. "Because what happened in the past is the past. And no one in this arena was a victor by chance."

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