Chapter 3

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Finnick had gone to accompany Katniss back to her room.

She'd only managed to get a few sentences out before she fell into hysterics, but it was enough to explain what Snow had revealed to her.

Coin dropped those bombs on the Capitol children. On the District 13 medical unit. On Prim.

She was no better than Snow. She was potentially even worse.

Snow didn't shy away from killing, but he abhorred wastefulness. He didn't take lives without some purpose.

Coin had massacred her own people when the war was all but won.

Snow was cunning with his words, adept at phrasing things to deceive. But what motive would he have to lie now? His fate had already been sealed.

Finnick returned to the room, quietly closing the door behind him. His eyes looked heavy with exhaustion as he looked over at Taiya, who was seated on the bed. Without a word, he made his way over to her, pulling her into a tight hug. They both fell back onto the bed, lying intertwined, side by side.

Taiya buried her face into Finnick's chest, seeking solace in his embrace. When would they be free from the burden of mistrusting those in power? Was that really such an unattainable goal?

After a moment of silence, Finnick spoke softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can't believe it... Coin..."

Taiya nodded, her voice muffled against his chest. "It's unimaginable. Prim... how could she?"

"She betrayed everything we fought for," Finnick continued, his voice thick with emotion as he fought tears. "All those lives lost along the way in the hunt for a new beginning... for nothing. She's no better than Snow."

Taiya tightened her grip on Finnick's shirt. "She can't become President," she shook her head. "It just can't happen. From what Katniss said, even Snow thought dropping those bombs was too much, and he can hardly be considered a rational voice of reason."

Finnick sighed before he pressed a kiss to the top of Taiya's head. "I love you," he murmured. "Don't ever forget that." He held her tighter as if trying to shield her from the pain that surrounded them.

Taiya looked up at him with a faint smile. She reached up and absentmindedly twirled a curl of his hair around her finger, seeking comfort in the familiar gesture.

"I love you too. But I'm just so tired of this," she confessed. "I just want to go home. I know Tyler is desperate to get everyone back. But we can't go yet. There's just too much to do," she sighed and dropped her head against his arm. "I don't think you'd ever forgive yourself if we went home now."

"I want to see this through," he agreed.

"I know," she nodded. "I know you do."

"When we get home," he grabbed one of her hands and lifted it to his heart. "I promise. We'll start building our life the way we want it."

Taiya smiled bashfully as she looked at their hands. "Is that so?" she teased, a hint of playful scepticism in her tone.

Finnick nodded earnestly, his eyes shining with sincerity. "Absolutely," he confirmed. "We'll have our home, we can spruce it up a bit if you want. We'll be away from all this madness. And..." he paused, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Maybe a little one running around, wreaking havoc."

Taiya's eyes widened before a giggle escaped her lips. "Oh really? A little one," she echoed, her heart warming at the thought.

Finnick nodded, his grin widening. "A whole bunch of them if you want. I've always said, it's completely up to you how many."

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