Chapter 14

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"NO!" Taiya screamed, digging her heels into the floor. "No! Let me go! I'm not going! Don't make me go!"

"Oh, you're going," Gloss dragged her through the hallway by her arm.

"Please don't make me," she used her free arm to grab onto a door jamb in an attempt to slow him down. He just pulled her harder and her grasp slipped away.

"Time to face the music Ambersnow."

"But I didn't do it! Tyler did it," she protested. "TYLER!" she yelled out for her mentor, who had emerged from his compartment after hearing her pleas.

However, as soon as Tyler caught sight of Gloss and the unfolding scene, his eyes widened in recognition, and without hesitation, he swiftly retreated back into his compartment, leaving Taiya to fend for herself.

"You traitor!" she cried out in dismay, her hopes dashed as she watched him retreat.

"Sleep with one eye open Silvergaze," Gloss yelled out as they passed his door.

"That's right," Taiya nodded. "Get him, not me, let me go."

"Oh no no," Gloss laughed. "You think you could prank me with Tyler and get away with it? Not a chance. You're going to go up to Gale and tell him that the whole thing was a prank and not true."

"Please don't make me talk to Dale," Taiya pleaded. "I've been so happy not having to talk to him."

"Well, your happy streak is over," Gloss shrugged, his grip relentless, there was no way Taiya was escaping this.

Taiya had been training Tyler in the art of pranking. Gloss had helped at the start, but Tyler quickly got frustrated with the man and made him leave. This left a golden opportunity for them to prank Gloss.

It was Taiya's idea, but she and Tyler had sought out Gale. As they walked past the man, they loudly gossiped between the two of them about how Gloss had a massive crush on Gale.

Gale of course had complained to Boggs about the matter. He and Gloss did not get along at all. They despised each other.

Boggs had then inadvertently disclosed to Gloss that Gale knew about his crush. Gloss was clueless as to what he meant, but a few questions had made it abundantly clear to him what happened.

He knew he should have put his name down on Taiya's 'never-prank' list. The only names on it were Haymitch and Peeta.

Now he was marching her through the corridor, demanding that she clear up the rumours with Gale and tell him it was just a prank and there was no truth to the matter. She would've happily done that if it didn't mean she had to talk to Gale.

God she hated Gale.

He hadn't even done anything against her except flirt with her. There was just something about him that she didn't like.

"Gloss," Taiya whined as they walked through the cafeteria and spotted Gale in the food line.

"Don't argue," he gave her a shove in the other man's direction. "You and Tyler started that gossip, now you're going to fix it."

"Good prank though right?" Taiya smiled at him. Gloss didn't smile back, he merely pointed in Gale's direction.

As Taiya reluctantly approached Gale, her mind raced with the unfairness of the situation. Tyler the coward, fearing Gale's wrath, abandoned her. He was not worthy of joining her in future pranks. So she needed to fix this situation with Gloss so he wouldn't retaliate against her.

Taiya aggressively tapped Gale on the shoulder.

As Gale turned to face her, his eyes became wary. "Where's Buck?"

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