Chapter 10

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"What is wrong with you!" Moxie gasped as she helped Taiya's stylist do her hair.

"It's not a big deal Moxie," Taiya groaned as she rubbed her eyes.

"You and that girl from 7 drinking alcohol and having a party the night before the Games is a big deal!" Moxie screeched.

"It was fun," Taiya reasoned.

"Your district partner had the good sense to go to bed early," Moxie hissed.

"Yeah well, I doubt he slept. At least Jo and I had fun," Taiya snapped back.

"Manners!" Moxie gasped.

"It's not a big deal. I took a pill this morning, no hangover."

"It's not smart," Moxie sighed before she placed her hands on either side of Taiya's face sadly. "I know I may not show it often, but I care, I want one of you to win. Please. Please take this seriously."

"I am," Taiya whispered as she blinked back tears. "But I didn't want to spend what could be my last night alive miserable."

"I pulled some strings to be here with you today," Moxie tucked a piece of hair behind Taiya's ear.

"I thought you didn't like me," Taiya whispered.

"That's just not true!" Moxie gasped. "I'm very protective of you. I'm the one who got Antonia the job as your stylist."

"Antonia?" Taiya asked as she glanced at her stylist who was busy organising her outfit in the corner of the room. "Why?"

"Antonia is my sister," Moxie answered as she adjusted Taiya's hair again. "You should've seen the stylist they had lined up for you. If you thought your outfits for these Games were revealing... you don't want to know what they had in store for you," she shook her head in disgust. "Antonia looked after you as best she could."

"I was mostly naked at the parade!"

"At least it was more coverage than paint," Moxie replied quickly and Taiya's eyes widened. Moxie had been looking out for her but Taiya had never realised. "I wanted you to marry that Crane boy," Moxie sniffled. "I know you never loved him, but you would have been safe. And now seeing both you and Finnick go into the games together... it's hard to watch."

Taiya frowned down at her district escort. "You know?"

"Oh please. I'm not as stupid as you all think I am. I never would have told. It does hurt that you didn't tell me, but I understand. You should get dressed my dear."

"Moxie," Taiya grabbed her hand. "Can you give something of mine to Buck and Tyler?"

"Of course," she nodded.

Taiya sighed as she reached into her top and pulled out the chain she'd threaded her engagement ring onto.

Moxie's eyes widened. "Seneca's?" Taiya just shook her head. "Oh my goodness," she gasped. "My dear girl. Congratulations," she smiled with tears in her eyes before she took the ring. "I'll give it to them," she nodded before hurrying out of the room.

Taiya sighed before she made her way over to Antonia.

"It's a wetsuit," Antonia spoke up.

"Water," Taiya nodded. "Yeah, I know." Thanks to Plutarch's earlier hint she had an idea of what to expect. She grabbed at the material and stretched it. "Tropics," she surmised. "Great." She and Finnick had an extreme advantage.

"Here," Antonia manoeuvres Taiya's body in a way that allows her to get dressed. "It's time," she announced as a buzzer sounded in the room.

Immediately Taiya began hyperventilating. "Don't make me do it," Taiya turned to her stylist, tears flowing into her eyes. "Please I don't want to go in there."

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