Chapter 4

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"Dammit," Johanna growled as Taiya slapped her hands.

"Are you even trying?"

"You know I am," Johanna replied between gritted teeth.

"We've been playing this game for years, Jo. Are you letting me win? Is someone paying you to let me win? You can't be this bad."

"NO!" Johanna yelled as she reached out to slap Taiya's hands in anger, only to miss yet again as Taiya pulled back with a wide grin on her face.

"You suck dude," Taiya sniggered as she put her hands back out.

"Hi Prim," Finnick's voice reached Johanna's bed which was at the back of the hospital. He was back from a meeting that was called for the whole District, the only ones excused were those in the hospital.

Taiya's eyes lit up in delight as she held a finger over her lips to Johanna before she reached over from Johanna's hospital bed and pulled the curtain closed, blocking off the direct view of them sitting together on Johanna's bed. All you'd see on approach is Taiya's vacant bed.

Taiya had slept for 15 hours after she was re-admitted to the hospital. Finnick was by her side the entire time. He'd flat-out refused to leave whilst she was asleep.

Once she woke up though, he had to go to training, he didn't want to leave but he was forced to.

Taiya was kept under lock and key for 3 days whilst her behaviour was observed. She was rational with everyone, and she was honest.

Which is why she told the truth whenever voices would begin to fill her head. Only when Finnick was around did her mind remain 100% clear.

So today was her first trial day of staying in the main part of the hospital, and not in a cell.

She demanded a bed next to Johanna, who let out a loud groan when Taiya bounded over and declared them 'bunk buddies'. But they all knew Johanna was glad to have a friend nearby.

Now they were just waiting for Finnick to come back to see Taiya, but he'd arrive to see an empty bed because Taiya was currently perched on Johanna's bed trying to contain her giggle as they hid.

"Guess what I stole from the cafeteria Tay!" Finnick's voice got closer. "You'll never guess what it is..." they heard his footsteps freeze as he stopped at her empty bed. "Shit," he muttered. "Tay?" he whispered loudly. "Shit shit shit, Taiya!"

"Yes?" she quickly flung the curtain to the side, revealing her and Johanna sitting there with smirks on their faces as Finnick leapt up into the air in shock.

"Oh my god," he held his hand to his chest as he let out a huff. "You scared me!"

"HA!" Johanna cackled loudly before she slapped her hand down on Taiya's outstretched hand. "Got you!"

Taiya slowly turned her head to stare at Johanna, eyes wide. "You cheated!"

"I thought you said you couldn't cheat?" Johanna challenged.

"Oh! Are you ever going to let that go?"

"Nope," Johanna leaned forward to slap Taiya's hand again.

"What the hell Jo!" Taiya let out a single laugh of disbelief.

"Snooze you lose," Johanna shrugged as she readjusted herself so she was lying down. "Now go away, I'm tired and I don't have the energy to deal with you two and your grossness," she closed her eyes. "Plus I want to quit while I'm ahead."

"Oh you're definitely not ahead," Taiya muttered as she spun on the bed to face Finnick. "Catch me!" she warned before she launched herself at him. He wasn't too surprised though, and immediately reached out to grab her. "That was hot Mr Muscle Man," she winked at him.

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